corrupted tar.gz archive - I lost my backups :)/:(

C. P. Ghost cpghost at
Tue Feb 14 17:58:59 UTC 2012

On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 2:56 AM, _ <pancakeking79 at> wrote:
> Trying to recover these files on 8.2, I found that some of the archives -
> unfortunately those with
> the files that are dear to me - are corrupted.

Do you have MD5, SHA256 etc... checksums of the
.tar.gz files somewhere? Do they still match, or do
they differ now?

(If they match, you have a software problem with tar
or gzip; try reading the files under Linux (Knoppix?)
just to be sure. If they don't match, either the media
is corrupt (very likely), or something's wrong on the
code path that reads your backup device (a lot less


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