Online school for FreeBSD

Robert Huff roberthuff at
Sat Apr 10 13:38:46 UTC 2010

jt writes:

>  I've been doing searches for online schools that teach FreeBSD. I've
>  been trying to learn on an off for years but when it starts getting
>  complicated, I get stuck. The handbook don't do a lot of good.
>  My goal is simply this. I want to open a small business, A server,
>  To lease out web space, domains, etc etc. I want to start small and
>  possibly expand to a rack of servers and so on.

	While there is applicable information, based on your
description I do not believe this is a job the Handbook was ever
intended to address.

>  I've been searching all say and cannot find ANY online schools that
>  teach FreeBSD.  From what I understand, FreeBSD is the best for
>  security and control. I'll be leasing out shell space too so I need
>  security like A company like that is eventually what Id
>  like to accomplish. But I need to know the ground up. I don't want
>  to trust an employee with root access to my server.

	What is there in what you want to do that is specific to
FreeBSD?  Based on an uninformed guess, it sounds like 90+ percent
of these tasks are UNIX-generic; what's left could easily vary with
your unique case and might be best handled to questions to targeted
mailing lists.

>  I remember seeing a book out there specific to what I'm trying to
>  do.

	However, if someone _has_ done this having that on the record
would be nice.

>  You guys do excellent work. I hope not only to learn but someday
>  contribute back to the freebsd community.

	See?  You have already.

				Robert Huff

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