Mysqldump password issue

Matthew Seaman m.seaman at
Thu Oct 2 19:01:10 UTC 2008

Andrei Brezan wrote:
> Hello list,
> I wanna do a
> mysqldump -u user -ppasswd --all-databases > backup.sql
> and all I get is
> mysqldump: No match.
> This happens either i put --all-databases or I specify any of the
> databases. I want to do a backup as user root, that's why I use
> all-databases opt.
> If I use the command:
> mysqldump -u root -p --all-databases >backup.sql
> I get the password prompt, I type the passwd and everythig works great.
> It seems that there is a problem with -p, i've tried --password with
> same result.
> If anyone has any ideea please let me know about it.
> I mention that i use Freebsd 7_0 and mysql 5.0.67

My guess is that the password (which you've obviously elided) contains
characters of syntactic significance to the shell.  Any of the following
will lead to wailing and gnashing of teeth:

  * ? [ < > & ; ! | $

Probably others as well.  The general way to get round this is to
put 'quote' marks around your password -- but this will only work if
the password is a separate word on the command line -- ie. whitespace
between it and any other tokens.  I believe that the '-p' flag to MySQL
is a bit painful in that regard as it doesn't allow whitespace between
itself and the password.  Hmmm... untested, but it should work if you
just quote around the -p like so: '-ppassword'.

Alternatively, just change the password to one containing less
troublesome characters: a-zA-Z0-9:@#~+=-_^%., I recommend use of
'apg' to generate randomised but strangely memorable passwords.  Oh,
and simply making the password longer makes it much more secure even
if you're limited to a relatively small alphabet.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                   7 Priory Courtyard
                                                  Flat 3
PGP:     Ramsgate
                                                  Kent, CT11 9PW

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