Upgrading Kernel on a Remote Server

Schiz0 schiz0phrenic21 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 5 16:15:46 UTC 2008


I recently ordered a FreeBSD server from a hosting company. This would
be the first time I do not have physical access to a FreeBSD system.
I'm looking for any hints/tricks/suggestions for managing and
upgrading it safely (as in, not locking myself out or having boot
errors). The host does not offer KVM/IP or serial port access.

The host is installing 6.3-RELEASE. I'd like to upgrade to
7.0-RELEASE, as well as compile in some kernel options for various
things. What's the best way to do this on a remote system, minimizing
compiling a bad kernel and causing it not to boot? I wouldn't have
access to single user mode or anything.

Thanks for any suggestions/help/etc,

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