Problem with pf, which is not doing NAT

Michael Lednev michaek at
Fri Jul 4 13:30:33 UTC 2008

assetburned пишет:
> Hi,
> I try to use a FreeBSD machine as a gateway with 2 LAN, one WAN 
> connection and a local Squid.
> All I want to do for the beginning is do NAT the whole traffic to the 
> Internet. The whole traffic should be go directly to the WAN interface 
> If one of the users want to, than he should be able to use the Squid. 
> But as I said, they don't have to... at least for the beginning.
> Now my problem, the only way to access the internet at the moment is 
> to use the Squid. OK not bad, at least something is working, but not 
> the way I want :-/
> It would be nice if I could still access my SSHd after setting up the 
> new pf.conf, which is working at the moment.
> I have, in my sysctrl.conf, a net.inet.ip.forwarding=1 line and while 
> booting up it is set to one.
> My pf.conf is this.
> ExtIF1 = "ed0"
> ExtIF = $ExtIF1 # i know a bit useless
> IntIF1 = "ed1"
> IntIF2 = "ed2"
> IntIF = "{" $IntIF1 $IntIF2 "}"
> LocIF = "lo0"
> scrub log on $ExtIF all random-id min-ttl 254 max-mss 1452 reassemble 
> tcp fragment reassemble
> no rdr on $LocIF from any to any
> nat on $ExtIF from $IntIF1:network to any -> ($ExtIF)
> nat on $ExtIF from $IntIF2:network to any -> ($ExtIF)
> So any ideas?

do you have gateway_enable="YES" in /etc/rc.conf?

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