more questions about disk cloning

Joe Auty joe at
Wed Feb 15 06:48:17 PST 2006


Thanks to all help I've received thus far, I seem to be getting  
closer to my goal of backing up a small hard disk to a large one.  
Remember that the "dump" command is causing core dumps on the source  

The two paths I'm working within are:

1) Using g4u to clone disk (this has worked fine), using growfs to  
grow partitions

2) Trying dump/restore from a Freesbie CD.


Approach 1: To use growfs apparently you have to edit the disk labels  
first. I'm doing this through /stand/sysinstall, but I'm not seeing  
all of my available space - just the available space with what was in  
the smaller drive. How do I work around this?

Approach 2: Doing a dump from /mnt/ufs.x to /mnt/ufs.y from the  
Freesbie CD produces the error "unsupported file system". How do i  
work around this error?

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