How do I know if my internal PCI modem works on FreeBSD?

Wojciech Puchar wojtek at
Sat Dec 3 07:38:56 PST 2005

> Basically, it all depends on how much you spent for the modem.  A $15-20
> modem is more than likely a WinModem (software modem) which FreeBSD does
> *NOT* support without a third party driver.  If the modem cost $70-100,
> and it is recongized as a serial port by the sio driver, then it
> probably will work.

externally connected modems (by serial) costs less than $100 anyway and do 
work for sure.

many external modems does connect by USB port and can be cheaper, but 
check for "hayes compatible" label (or similar) as some USB modems are 
winmodems too.

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