optimized + reiserfs

Roland Smith rsmith at xs4all.nl
Fri Aug 26 22:42:01 GMT 2005

On Sat, Aug 27, 2005 at 08:17:27AM +1000, Bassam Batshon wrote:
> hi 
> is there anywhere i can find a 586 optimized freebsd

You'll have to make it yourself. Install FreeBSD, change the CFLAGS (for
userland programs) and COPTFLAGS (for the kernel) to what you want, and
rebuild the system as documented in the Handbook.

> why dosent freebsd support reiser4 isnt this supposed to be the
> fastest filesystem (www.namesys.com) for details and benchmarks

The internals of Linux and FreeBSD are different, so "support"-ing it is
a nontrivial effort. However, a (currently read-only) port to FreeBSD is
being worked on: http://www.dumbbell.fr/projects/reiserfs/index.en.html

I'm not sure if this project will ever be included into the FreeBSD
kernel. This port uses the Namesys's code, which is GPL-ed. Linking this
into the FreeBSD would mean (IANAL) putting the kernel under GPL.

> what GUI does freeBSD kde or gnome or is it CUI

FreeBSD runs the X Window System, like all UNIX systems. You can use
whatever window manager / environment you like, including KDE or Gnome.

R.F.Smith (http://www.xs4all.nl/~rsmith/) Please send e-mail as plain text.
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