Determining what a port will install... (more than pretty-print-*)

Philip Hallstrom freebsd at
Sat Apr 30 14:05:58 PDT 2005

> Is there a way to determine exactly what a particular port will install on my 
> machine?
> Doing a `make pretty-print-run-depends-list` will show me all of its 
> requirements... but I am interested in the difference between its 
> requirements and what I already have on my machine.  If I have 7 out of the 
> 10 requirements.... I would like the remaining 3 listed for me.
> Is there something in place which provides this?

The "portupgrade" port can do this.  Something like...

portupgrade -n -Rr someport

The -n tells it not to do anything, just show you what it would do.

The -r and -R tell it to upgrade any dependencies in both directions.

At the end it will print out a little summary of what ports it needs to 
upgrade, what needs installed, and what you've already got.


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