GEOM vs. vinum in FreeBSD 5.3

Rene C. Mendoza rene.mendoza at
Tue Nov 23 23:03:01 PST 2004


I'm supposed to mirror 2 similar disk drives using FreeBSD 5.3  The 
thing  is, I am confused which utility to use: vinum, gvinum, or geom. 
As I understand it, geom is still fairly new but very promising. 
Vinum, on the other hand, seems to be stable but not as extensible as 
geom. Gvinum seems to be mixture of the two.  Personally, I would like 
to try out gvinum or geom but I don't know if these two would be 
suitable for production environments.  Now, my questions are:

1. Is gvinum mature enough for production environments?
2. Is geom mature enough for production environments?
3. Which among the three, vinum, gvinum or geom should you recommend?

thanks in advance!
Rene C. Mendoza

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