reading a dos cdrom with .pdf files.

Gary Kline kline at
Fri Nov 19 16:28:48 PST 2004


	I have several CDROMS all of which seem to be DOS type.

	At first I tried the disc in my CD player.  Nope; then 
	in one of my 5.3 machines using mount_msdosfs.  (probably
	with the wrong flags, I admit.) As a last resort  I put the
	disc in my RH-8 platform intended to reboot into W2K. But
	a cup of coffee later I find that Red Hat had already popped
	up a window with the title of the disc and that it is a
	1.1MB pdf file.  I doubt this CDROM is a an ISO-9660 
	(or whatever).   But it's nice that  RH knew automagically 
	what to do with it and to pop up  the pdf reader.  

	I know there is the genius in FBSD-land to do this; probably
	just enough not people.  My question is: what are the FBSD
	commands to let me mount this disc and let me read the
	files to be able to point acroread at them?



   Gary Kline     kline at     Public service Unix

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