X11 security issues???

Eric Schuele e.schuele at computer.org
Fri Nov 5 11:21:50 PST 2004

Thought the list might benefit...

Brian Bobowski wrote:

 > Eric Schuele wrote:
 >> When I have X/Fluxbox up and running, I can press 
 >> and get to any other ttyv.  This is annoying to begin with but since
 >> they prompt for pwds... not catastrophic.  However, F1 takes you to the
 >> ttyv I'm logged in to and this gives you the opportunity to Ctrl-C my X
 >> session... leaving you standing in my shell!
 >> ...
 >> Have I done something wrong?
 >> How can I prevent this.  It would be nice to be able to walk away from
 >> my desk and not worry about people using my machine.
 > I'm not personally familiar with Fluxbox, but I do know that some 
window managers or environments - for instance, KDE - have the option to 
intercept the CTRL-ALT-Fn keypresses. That's one way to do it - from 
within your WM.
 > The other way is to add these lines to your ServerFlags section of 
/etc/XF86Config :
 > Option "DontVTSwitch" true
 > Option "DontZap" true

Excellent... Exactly what I needed!

However, for what it's worth... I'm using xorg, and the syntax that 
worked for me was without the boolean values.

    Section "ServerFlags"
     Option "DontVTSwitch"
     Option "DontZap"

Thanks for the help.

 > The first prevents the behaviour that you specifically mentioned; the 
second prevents the CTRL-ALT-Backspace shortcut from killing the X server.
 > If this section doesn't exist, then put:
 > Section "ServerFlags"
 >    Option "DontVTSwitch" true
 >    Option "DontZap" true
 > EndSection
 > ...and that should achieve the desired results.
 > HTH,
 > -BB


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