problems running lpd (both via rc.conf and directly)

rogermiller rogermiller at
Fri Mar 12 14:20:53 PST 2004

Hello, again.

I'm having a problem running lpd. I just installed FreeBSD 4.9 on a new Pentium I, and set up printing. Following the instructions in Section 11.3 of the Handbook, I added the following line to /etc/rc.conf:

However, this does not turn on lpd, even when I reboot. Furthermore, when I su to root, and issue the "lpd" command, it prints whatever I have in print queue, but when everything is printed, and I try issuing another lpr command, I get the following error message:

lpr: Unable to connect /var/run/printer: Socket operation on non-socket
lpr: Check to see if the master process 'lp' is running.

I accordingly do a ps|grep lpd, and sure enough, it's not running.

To make things worse, when I try deleting the print jobs via lprm, I can't, not even when I log on as root and issue "lprm -".

Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong here?


Roger Miller

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