Small problem upgrading older machine

stan stanb at
Mon Mar 1 07:30:04 PST 2004

On Mon, Mar 01, 2004 at 09:49:12AM -0500, stan wrote:
> I'm upgrading a bunch of older machines *some as far back as 4.2). 
> First let me say a bing THANKS YOU for all the hard work the release
> engineering team does to make this work as well as it does.
> Now, let me point out a small problem. When I got to the "make
> installworld" step, I was politely informed that I needed a snsmp user.
> Looking at UPDATING, I saw that I could install the newer mergemaster by
> hand, and use it to add this user. I did that. Unfortunately the
> installworld, then errored when it got to installing mergemaster, as there
> was then on file in the directory, and no rule to build it. I
> copied the file back from the final location, back to in the
> source tree, and I'm re-running make installworld, which should go OK now. 
> Would it be possible to fix the Makefile to prevent this problem?

The solution to this truns out to be a bit more complex than I though. I
eventually gave up on fixing the contens of the mergemaster directory in
the source tree, and fell back to a new buildowrld. The final straw was
that if I did not have megemaster.8.gz the insatll would fail, but I alos
needed mergemaster.8 (the uncopressed version). But then make complained
about not having the compressed version :-(

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neither liberty nor safety."
						-- Benjamin Franklin

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