New installation: Hanging when trying to dial out

Andrew Boothman andrew at
Tue Jan 13 08:06:32 PST 2004

John Adams wrote:

> On Tuesday, January 13, 2004, at 10:29 AM, Andrew Boothman wrote:
>> How are you trying to mount your floppy? "mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /mnt"?
> Well, I was just naively trying mount /dev/fd0 /mnt, but now I've tried 
> it as you suggest, and again gotten "Device not configured". This is 
> also what fdformat gives me when I try to format the disk. I'm also 
> unable so far to mount the CD drive.
>>  Are your serial ports probed correctly during boot? Look at 
>> "dmesg|grep cuaa".
> Now, that's interesting. I get results for sio, but nothing for cuaa or 
> tty.

That's because serial ports _are_ probed as sios - sorry my mistake.

I presume you get sio lines for all of your serial ports? My original 
point still stands, are you sure you're using the right one for where 
your modem is plugged in?

Have you read through ?


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