Two versions of ruby == problem?

Roger Merritt mcrogerm at
Thu Dec 9 01:10:44 PST 2004

After doing a cvsup on one of my machines I like to run 'portversion -c > 
needs.update' to see what needs updating. If the output is small enough I 
might try doing 'portupgrade -a', but usually I go through the list one by 
one to set the flags I think portupgrade will need for that case. This time 
I was a little surprised to find two entries for ruby:

#  ruby
#  needs updating (port has
pkgs="$pkgs ruby-"

#  ruby
#  needs updating (port has 1.8.2.p2_2)
pkgs="$pkgs ruby-1.8.2.p2_1"

I don't know how I got two versions installed, but more importantly I 
wonder if this is a problem? Should I deinstall one or the other? Or should 
I deinstall both and reinstall one (I suppose 1.8.2.p2_2 is the most 
recent)? Or should I just go ahead and upgrade both?

Any recommendations would be gratefully received.


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