editing the rc.conf

Geert Hendrickx geert.hendrickx at ua.ac.be
Fri Aug 27 13:12:23 PDT 2004

On Fri, Aug 27, 2004 at 05:04:08PM +0100, Soo-Hyun Choi wrote:
> A couple of people suggested to read the ifconfig man page. I do
> understand the ifconfig, and I can change the IP settings using
> ifconfig without re-booting the system.
> What I wondered was a way of editing rc.conf directly and how I can it
> be working without re-boot the system. As Nikos suggested, it would
> not be a good way if there is only one way to go for it by using
> 'shutdown now' command; as it kills all the running processes.
> Cheers,

You could simply rerun one/some/all of the /etc/rc-scripts, e.g. "sh
/etc/rc.network" in your case.  But I don't think this is recommended.  

However, you can learn alot about the initialization of the system just
by reading this scripts.  


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