i think i've broken portinstall

Vince Hoffman jhary at unsane.co.uk
Tue Aug 10 05:16:40 PDT 2004

I just went to install netcat and portinstal seems to have broken, not
sure when or how though.

the process i use (as normal)

<root at lobster> [/root] [12:30]
#cd /usr/ports/net/netcat/

<snip reading the pkg-desc etc>

<root at lobster> [/usr/ports/net/netcat] [12:30]
#portinstall netcat
** No such installed package nor such port called 'netcat' is found.

fair enough this happens sometimes. so...

<root at lobster> [/usr/ports/net/netcat] [12:30]
#portinstall net/netcat
<root at lobster> [/usr/ports/net/netcat] [12:30]

ok i dont understand what happened here.
I have a cron job update my ports tree by cvsup every night then run a
portsdb -Uu after each update, a manual portsdb -Uu gives me

a bunch of errors from MailScanner and others (dependency list incomplete
errors so not too big a deal.)
but also lots (more than a couple of screenfuls) of lines like this

/usr/ports/INDEX-5:10775:Port info line must consist of 10 fields.
/usr/ports/INDEX-5:10776:Port info line must consist of 10 fields.
/usr/ports/INDEX-5:10777:Port info line must consist of 10 fields.
/usr/ports/INDEX-5:10778:Port info line must consist of 10 fields.
/usr/ports/INDEX-5:10779:Port info line must consist of 10 fields.

should i just blow away my ports tree and re-CVSUP the whole thing ?


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