digicam on ugen0

larry larryt67 at outdrs.net
Sat Sep 20 21:34:11 PDT 2003

On Saturday 20 September 2003 04:00 pm, dick hoogendijk wrote:
> I plugged my digicam HP Photosmart 618 into my FreeBSD-4 and it was
> recognised immediately. Great. It's on /dev/ugen0
> But how can I access the camera- or rather the pictures on it?

I notice gtkam supports your camera. You can find it in ports.

Though I think the best solution is to purchase and inexpensive
flash card reader. It has the advantage of not using camera batteries.

As far as accessing the camera directly using ugen0, ugen0.1 etc,
I have not been successful either. Maybe someone else can offer
a solution.

I tried 'mount -t msdos /dev/ugen0s1 /mnt/camera' and a lot
of other guesses but had no luck. If you find the solution could
you please post back?


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