linking a dir

Mike Maltese mike at
Tue Sep 16 09:58:23 PDT 2003

> dev/ad0s1a    128990   86254   32418    73%    /
> -r-xr-xr-x   1 root  wheel  4122347 Apr  3 04:53 kernel
> -r-xr-xr-x   1 root  wheel  4122347 Apr  3 04:53 kernel.GENERIC
> I don't know which kernel is being used... Deleting one would surely help.

Unless you're specifying it at boot, you can safely remove kernel.GENERIC.

> Good question. This is a production Mail / DNS server (using qmail and
> djbdns), so I have logs in /etc (by the default run script) minimally at
> 100K each x10 (before they rotate out) for each of SMTP, SEND, another
> SMTP, axfrdns, tinydns, dnscache, 2 rbls, and maybe one more... the SMTP
> and SEND logs are at 250k each of 10... so you see how this can add up...

I run postfix and BIND, so I'm not particularly familiar with those
packages. I would think that there's some facility in those programs to
specify a more appropriate place (like /var/log). Alternatively, if your
logs are rotated by newsyslog, you could keep fewer log files and/or use
bzip2 compression on the old ones. If not, you could write a shell script to
accomplish the same thing. bzip2 gets my 500K maillogs down to ~35K, and I
also keep 10 of them, so the savings is significant.

The problem I have with this is 250K*10 and 100K*10 only adds up to 3.5M,
hardly enough to take up the remainder of your partition. Do you have
anything hanging around in /root?

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