xmms-arts plugin

Siegbert Baude Siegbert.Baude at gmx.de
Thu Sep 11 00:47:25 PDT 2003

Hi Bjarne,

>>I do not believe you need it.  I am running XMMS under KDE with no arts
>>plugin without any problems at all.
>You don't *need* it, but xmms will lock the sound-device while playing and 
>thus hindering kde-apps using it. One solution is to use vchans, but it sound 
>*awfull* with my HW. An arts-plugin to xmms would be really nice, but I never 
>got the plugin working apart from crashing everythin IIRC.

You can start every sound application with a preceding "artsdsp".
So e.g. call xmms with
artsdsp xmms &

This will wrap the xmms sound to the arts daemon, without blocking.
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