Olivier Gautherot ogautherot at
Thu Jan 18 03:02:18 UTC 2007

Hi folks!

Good to see activity on this project. I am currently investigating
with a friend what platform to use for embedded systems - we
saw the standard x86 clones but it would be more fun to use
an "exotic" architecture and we were impressed by the Efika
(2W for a 400MHz processor is a real achievement). Our
dream is to go to a local FreeBSD conference (we are based
in Chile) and run the presentation on this board - surely a
long way to go...

I just joined the freebsd-ppc list to learn more about this
platform - I saw some posts in the Jan. 2007 archive, what
motivated me to join. We would be interested in getting some
hardware to help the project. How can we get 1 or 2 boards?
I will be in France for a few weeks in February if it helps.

Thanks in advance
Olivier Gautherot
Email:    olivier at
MSN:      ogautherot at

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