Mac mini and FreeBSD - buildworld

Peter Grehan grehan at
Wed Jan 26 20:12:53 PST 2005

David Leimbach wrote:
>>  If it doesn't respond to outside pings, I'd say it's hung. There's
>> no easy way to generate an NMI on Mac platforms, so it's time to
>> reboot :(
> Command-Power on powerbooks does an NMI IIRC.

  It's not *really* an NMI, since AFIK and looking at Darwin source, the 
external PMU generates an external interrupt in this case. These can be 
masked on PPC by clearing the PSL_EE bit in the machine status register. 
There are times when FreeBSD might be stuck in a loop with PSL_EE 
cleared, and you still want to break in, for example by generating a 
RESET interrupt and not an external interrupt.

  It would still be useful to support the PMU-generated Command-Power 
interrupt however :)



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