Firebird 2.5 Core Dump - Possible solution

Gelson Borsoi gelson at
Wed Mar 10 17:39:41 UTC 2021

Hi Guys, i think i have the final solution to us.


We all know that Firebird Server 2.5 can be installed by pkg or ports, but when you try to use it it crashes with the core dump.

Based on  <> this is what i did:

1 - cd /usr/ports/databases/firebird25-client
2 - make extract
3 - cd work
4 - cd Firebird folder
5 - I modify the line 95 in the src/common/classes/alloc.h file:

Original code:
Line 94 // Alignment for all memory blocks. Sizes of memory blocks in headers are measured in this units
Line 95 const size_t ALLOC_ALIGNMENT = FB_ALIGNMENT;

Changed code:
Line 94 // Alignment for all memory blocks. Sizes of memory blocks in headers are measured in this units
Line 95 #define ALLOC_ALIGNMENT 16

6 - Repeat the steps 2 to 5 on /usr/ports/databases/firebird25-server
7 - make install clean

I tested this in 13 beta4 and 12.1. Build normally with clang/llvm(8 and 11) and no more core dumps.
I think we need a patch file to apply this to the ports if the machine is amd64 architecture. I don’t know how to do this because i never did this.
Please test this too and comment the results. Maybe  <mailto:acm at> acm at put this patch on ports.

Gelson Borsoi
Chapeco - SC - Brazil

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