Portmaster and less

@lbutlr kremels at kreme.com
Fri Jul 31 20:24:48 UTC 2020

When postmaster displays the package messages after installing, it calls less, which forces you to hit 'q' to exit, and when you quit less, it clear the buffer on the screen and returns you to the display of the compile process.

Is there anyway to change this behavior so that less is called with -E / --QUIT-AT_EOF? Or can I just tell postmaster to cat this files so they appear in my terminals scroll back no matter what?

(I think the discarding that text that is paged by less is a terminal emulator or tmux setting, but haven’t looked into that.)

'Never say die, master. That's our motto, eh?' I CAN'T SAY IT'S EVER
	REALLY BEEN MINE. --Hogfather

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