Porting Practice

Jonathan Chen jonc at chen.org.nz
Sun Jul 5 05:33:37 UTC 2020

On Sun, 5 Jul 2020 at 14:06, Brandon helsley
<brandon.helsley at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Yes it does, I understand how it works now, I just needed an example, and I can compare this with other methods to figure it out. How do you get the port working in your directory?

In general:
 1. extract the original sources elsewhere
 2. hack it to compile
 3. compare the hacks against the original sources again to generate diffs.
 4. put the diffs into the files/ directory of the port
 5. Tweak the Makefile for all targets (fetch, extract, build, stage, etc)

Jonathan Chen <jonc at chen.org.nz>

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