About protocols in openssl

Marcin Cieslak saper at saper.info
Fri Feb 28 00:33:05 UTC 2020

On Thu, 27 Feb 2020, Willem Jan Withagen wrote:

> /home/jenkins/workspace/ceph-master/src/pybind/mgr/.tox/py3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/bindings/_openssl.abi3.so: 
> Undefined symbol "SSLv3_client_method"

This looks to me that you are trying to build ceph in the virtualenv which probably
pulls required python packages on its own.

Can you make it to depend and use the existing security/py-cryptography port?

I don't know how exactly the ceph port is supposed to work but it seems to
require virtualenv for its inner workings. You might want to force
virtual env to use FreeBSD-provided libraries with --system-site-packages
but AFAIK it will no longer download anything, i.e. all dependencies
need to packaged.

I have just ran "make test" in my ports tree to test py-cryptography
and got 1 error (TestECDSACertificate.test_load_ecdsa_no_named_curve)
but nothing related to SSLv3_client_method being not there.

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