devel/nexus2-oss upgrade to nexus3

Michael Osipov 1983-01-06 at
Fri Feb 21 08:33:29 UTC 2020

Port maintainer here,

I've been using Nexus 2 OSS for at least 5 years now on FreeBSD and it
works like a charm.

Please note that Nexus 2 and Nexus 3 are completely different products
which only share the same name. They are technologically different.
It will be a completely new port, nothing can be reused.

I never had the need to do any upgrade because I only need Maven
repository hosting. Just like or the our Nexus instance
at ASF.

Is there anything specific in Nexus 3 you need?

I'd be tempted to create a port, if and only if Nexus 2 will be
unsupported by Sonatype.



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