Deregister a port?

Luciano Mannucci luciano at
Mon Feb 4 14:22:43 UTC 2019

On Mon, 4 Feb 2019 13:38:56 +0000
Matthew Seaman <matthew at> wrote:

> Tell us the details and we may be able to help.
Well, I'm migrating some web servers from very old linux to freebsd.
I need several versions of php to accomodate various applications
that are'nt under my control, some open source other hand made by
customers. I used to keep my various php installations under /opt/phpXX
via the --prefix switch during compilation. The same can be done in
freebsd (I suppose :), though I've let some of the web sites use the
php installed via ports, and now I'm trying to revert that without
having to restart them to minimize downtime.

Thanks for your time,

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