Clang crash compiling qt5

George Mitchell george+freebsd at
Wed Apr 10 17:48:04 UTC 2019

Yesterday I went through a round of updating and compiling ports.  By
all outward appearances it was successful.  But this morning's daily
status report revealed that clang had crashed on a signal 11 once
while compiling each qt5 package.  (For once, it was useful to have
the "such-and-such installed" messages in the system log.)  So I just
tried recompiling qt5-qmake just now under "script".  Sure enough,
there was a clang crash about 15 seconds before the end of typescript,
though the typescript output looks completely innocuous as far as I
can see, and all the qt5 packages and their dependencies seem to be
functional at this point.  Any idea about what's going on?

The typescript output is at if
you think it would be helpful.                            -- George

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