FreeBSD Port: py27-qt5-core / Py36-qt5-core

Guido Falsi madpilot at
Tue Mar 27 22:06:17 UTC 2018

On 03/28/18 00:00, Pete Wright wrote:
>> I'm not a python expert, but I understand that python 2.7 and python 3
>> are two slightly different languages not fully compatible with each
>> other.
>> I also understand(but have not gone into depth about this) that there is
>> some resistance to python 3, with many developers being reluctant to
>> move to version 3, for whatever reason(I imagine it's language design
>> choices, but I really don't know)
>> I'm stating this because it means such incompatibilities are not going
>> away easily. It's not just a ports system problem, but an actual python
>> ecosystem problem.
>> Too say it in other words, python 2.7 isn't really just "the old
>> version" and python 3 is not just "the new version". They have parallel
>> lifes.
> I'm not %100 sure that's really an accurate assessment of the slow
> uptake in Python3.

I'd like to make it clear I don't know the details, I just stated what I
heard. I know this could not be accurate.

> Regardless, the clock is ticking on the 2.x codebase
> as it is reaching EOL status in 2020:
> Hopefully a solid deadline (which has already been pushed back) will
> motivate developers to accelerate the task of migrating to py3 sooner
> rather than later.

Speaking strictly as the maintainer of the calibre port and having
discovered just now about this deadline:

I don't know what the calibre developer plans to do about this, I'm
certainly unable to port calibre to python 3, so I will do the best to
keep it working for as long as python 2.7 is available in the ports, or
update the port to use python 3 once the upstream does port it to that

Guido Falsi <madpilot at>

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