FreeBSD Palemoon branding violation

Dan Mahoney (Gushi) freebsd at
Wed Feb 7 06:37:05 UTC 2018

On Wed, 7 Feb 2018, Dave Horsfall wrote:

> On Tue, 6 Feb 2018, Mark Felder wrote:
>> Would you like us to delete our port of it now? I can arrange for that if 
>> you insist on not having proper ports of your software. At this point it 
>> might be easier to just add a clause to your license that prohibits 
>> non-Linux platforms.
> You're a lot politer than I would've been; then again, being an Aussie I tend 
> to be an outspoken bastard, and I would've told him to perform an 
> anatomically-impossible act.
> "You will" indeed...

Technically, he wasn't wrong.  Those lines were in fact removed as part of 
deleting the port :)

My $dayjob is with a company that makes open-source software which we 
redistribute under the MPL.  I've shared that link with our team as an 
example of the absolute wrong way to go about engaging with the community.



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