Wine & PlayOnBSD

abi abi at
Sun Jan 1 17:33:30 UTC 2017

On 01.01.2017 18:28, Grzegorz Junka wrote:
> I am using FreeBSD 10.3 x64. I understand that to run Windows 
> applications on that configuration I can use only one of the following:
> 1. playonbsd-4.2.10_1
> 2. wine-staging-2.0.r3_1,1
> 3. i386-wine-staging-2.0.r3_1,1
> 4. wine-devel-2.0.r3_1,1
> 5. i386-wine-devel-2.0.r3_1,1
> 6. wine-1.8.6,1
> 7. i386-wine-1.8.6,1
> Currently I have installed playonbsd, which is good but it seems that 
> not all applications I would like to install can be installed on it.
> Which one of those options would give me the most compatibility with 
> office-type and multimedia applications (e.g. DVD player, SoftPhone, 
> applications that access USB), not necessarily games?
> Should I prefer some of these ports over others for my x64 system?
> When switching from one port to another (e.g. wine to playonbsd) can I 
> keep the currently installed Windows applications or I would need to 
> reinstall any of the applications/libraries installed on the previous 
> version?
> It seems that front-end ports (q4wine, swine) default to 4. from the 
> list (wine-devel-2.0.r3_1,1). Is there any reason for that? Can they 
> run without problems on a x64 system?
> Many thanks for any insights.

Probably you need i386-wine-devel and emulators/winetricks
playonbsd is a wrapper for wine. No need to use it at all, just get 
installer for you program, create new wineprefix and install software 
into it

Personally, I make 1 wineprefix for 1 program (or program group ) with
env WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.local/share/wineprefixes/ck2 wineboot
sandbox it with winetricks if needed
copy installer into $HOME/.local/share/wineprefixes/ck2/drive_c/Distr
env WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.local/share/wineprefixes/ck2 wine cmd
navigate to Distr and run installer

ck2 is example prefix for crusader kings II. I love Paradox games :P

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