Pkg doesn't care about conflict

Miroslav Lachman 000.fbsd at
Tue Sep 27 11:40:38 UTC 2016

scratch65535 at wrote on 09/26/2016 21:42:
> I have the PHP 7.0 package installed under 10.2.  Wanting to
> install the pecl-imagick port, I called pkg search, which
> returned a ref.  I only caught the fact that it was going to
> install PHP 5.6 despite my having 7.0 installed  when it started
> downloading 5.6.
> Given that PHP is one of the pillars of a FAMP setup, I'd think
> that pkg should be aware of conflicts like that and return a
> notice ("No version for PHP 7.0.  Install PHP 5.6?") rather than
> blythely assume it'd be okay to install an older version of PHP
> (or Apache, or MariaDB/MySQL, mutatis mutandis) despite an
> already-installed later version.

Did you stop pkg in the middle or did you let it go? I think it will 
show you conflict message and ask you if you would like to deinstall PHP 
7.0 and install 5.6 instead.

Miroslav Lachman

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