Unable to update ports using svnlite

Clinton Bessesen clinton at xopen.plus.com
Wed Feb 24 15:41:58 UTC 2016

Hi All,
Wonder if you can help.
Running freebsd 10.2 and have been able to checkout the ports/head using 
svnlite for quite sometime in the past. However, over the past few days 
this has proved to be impossible. I can browse the svn using a 
webbrowser, but unable to run "/usr/bin/svnlite checkout --depth empty 
svn://svn.freebsd.org/ports/head /tmp/ports/tree", it simply hangs and 
eventually I get an error message "E000060 Unable to connect to 
respository at URL 'svn://svn.freebsd.org/ports/head'". Any help or 
information would be most appreciated.


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