Really? Port conflicting with itself?

Mathieu Arnold mat at
Tue Sep 15 13:00:10 UTC 2015

+--On 15 septembre 2015 05:56:16 -0700 David Wolfskill
<david at> wrote:
| On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 05:39:00AM -0700, David Wolfskill wrote:
|> On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 07:27:12AM -0500, Larry Rosenman wrote:
|> > The issue was not having default_versions set per the updating entry.
|> > ....
|> Oddly enough, "pkg updating" did not display that UPDATING entry for me,
|> which is why I didn't see it.
|> ....
| OK.  I've now updated /etc/make.conf:
| g1-252(10.2-S)[3] tail -2 /etc/make.conf
| DEFAULT_VERSIONS+=      perl5=5.22
| g1-252(10.2-S)[4] 
| and retried "portmaster -ad" (to builld/install the previously-failed
| misc/gimp-help-en); I still see a very similar-looking failure:

I amended the UPDATING entry earlier today, adding:

  If your Perl package name is not called perl5-5.xx.y but perl5.xx-5.xx.y,
  will need to rename it so that portupgrade doesn't get confused:

    pkg set -n perl5.xx:perl5

Note that it's not a replacement for setting the DEFAULT_VERSION in

I'll add portmaster to the list, as it seems it's getting confused too. (It
did not in my testing.)

Mathieu Arnold
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