Help needed: ports builds on 10.X but breaks on 9.X

Kubilay Kocak koobs at
Tue Oct 27 15:58:27 UTC 2015

On 28/10/2015 1:43 AM, A.J. "Fonz" van Werven wrote:
> Kubilay Kocak wrote:
>> Set merge-quarterly to ? in the bugzilla issue report, and ask (in a
>> comment) for the committer who resolved it in ports HEAD to kindly merge
>> it :)
> Thanks to you and Kurt Jaeger for the help. The committer in question has
> now reassigned it to the security team so I'll wait and see what happens.
> Also thanks for the additional information Koobs.

You're welcome :)

> This does leave me with one question: just when is it appropriate to set
> the merge-quarterly flag? Apparently quarterly fallout is one example and
> security fixes are another. But is there anything else?
> AvW

The real question that informs the decision is: Might/Do the people
using the quarterly want/need this?

Officially it's:

Very well-tested build/run/security issues/fixes.

Another way to look at it is: Not version updates (all else being equal).

A really way to get a better feel is to browse the quarterly commit log:

However,  if you're unsure, it's appropriate to set the merge-quarterly
flag to ? *any time* you think that (or are not entirely sure whether) a
change/issue may need to be committed to quarterly. Really.

We'd rather quarterly become high value and deal with a few more issues
that have the flag incorrectly set (and deny the request), than missing
commits/fixes that go into head that should be merged, but aren't.

If you have any more questions, head on over to #freebsd-ports on
freenode or #bsdports on Efnet IRC and you can ask as many as you want :)


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