Help needed: ports builds on 10.X but breaks on 9.X

Kubilay Kocak koobs at
Sun Oct 25 15:37:56 UTC 2015

On 26/10/2015 2:16 AM, A.J. "Fonz" van Werven wrote:
> Thanks to two helpful responses I've been able to patch the port and I'm
> no longer receiving pkg-fallout messages for the default build, but I am
> still getting them for the quarterly build. I suspect that the latter is
> built from a ports tree that gets updated less frequently, so my two
> remaining questions are:
> a) Am I correct in assuming that since I no longer receive pkg-fallout
>    messages for the default build, the problem has been fixed and it's
>    merely a matter of time before the quarterly pkg-fallout messages will
>    stop coming?

Oops, forgot to answer :)

Not really. They will stop when pkg-fallout stops building those ports,
which will be when the next quarterly is branched, but the fix to head
needs to be merged to the quarterly branch in the meantime.

> b) If so, when does the quarterly tree get updated again?

A new one is cut (created) every quarter. The branch is updated when
people merge to it. The next one will be cut (created) in January 2016
(2016Q1). The previous one will remain in it's branch, but pkg-fallout
will stop using it in favour of the latest.


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