tn5250 port

Bob Dobbs bob.dobbs at
Sun Aug 30 17:02:12 UTC 2015

Hey all-
	I'm a long time OpenBSD and Slackware Linux user. I've decided to give FreeBSD a try. I've built a 10.2 box and have most of my normal applications running. One critical application I need is tn5250 (for connecting to our AS/400s). I've built tn5250 from both ports and installed the package from the repository. It core dumps every time I run both tn5250 and xt5250. I've run it as normal user and as root - still core dumping. I've done plenty of googling and still can't get it to run correctly. The 3270 emulator isn't the right fit or I'd use that. Any idea what I'm missing? Can someone give me a shove in the right direction?


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