Searching the port tree with portmaster?

Chad Perrin code at
Thu Aug 22 01:57:07 UTC 2013

On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 12:44:43AM -0600, LuKreme wrote:
> Am I missing a search feature in postmaster?
> If not, how are people finding where a port is to install it (I had a
> heck of a time finding sudo, for example)

I've been using ports-mgmt/pkgsearch for years.  You can do regexy
searches and get pkg-descr output easily with it, e.g.:

    $ pkgsearch -d ^sudo$
        This is the CU version of sudo.
        Sudo is a program designed to allow a sysadmin to give limited
        root privileges to users and log root activity.  The basic
        philosophy is to give as few privileges as possible but still
        allow people to get their work done.

This is also relevant:

    $ pkgsearch -h
    usage: pkgsearch [-u][-h][-v][-dis] packname...
        u               update the database
        d               get the description of the package
        s               get the size of the package *not work with -i*
        i               search in packages installeds
        h               show this
        v               show the version

The formatting of output from both examples is slightly modified for
inclusion in this email.

I should probably start picking through ports-mgmt again to see if I can
find something that I like as much as pkgsearch in general, but also
offers the ability to get port names and paths based on terms found in
pkg-descr information.

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: ]

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