[SOLVED] libpkg, sqlite and database problems prevent building any packages

Thomas Mueller mueller6724 at bellsouth.net
Wed Aug 7 01:02:40 UTC 2013

I solved the impasse by moving /var/db/pkg/local.sqlite to another place where it wouldn't be found, in this case /var/tmp .

Then I went into $PORTSDIR/ports-mgmt/pkg and ran
make deinstall install
to update pkg.

That produced a new, small, /var/db/pkg/local.sqlite which I renamed to local.sqlite.2 in preparation for restoring the older local.sqlite .

Then, with the new pkg installed but the ghost of the old pkg remaining in local.sqlite, I ran, again, from $PORTSDIR/ports-mgmt/pkg
make deinstall install
to put local.sqlite in sync with the installation of updated pkg.

I think the pkg database is restored now.

At first, with sqlite3 not listed as a dependency of pkg, I wouldn't have realized what needed fixing.


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