PHP 5.4.0 : lang/php54

Chris Rees utisoft at
Mon May 21 15:36:24 UTC 2012

On May 21, 2012 4:17 PM, "George Kontostanos" <gkontos.mail at>
> Dear all,
> I just wanted to understand why did php54 became the default php port.
> Considering that the majority of my clients want to stick with php53
> with the susosin patch, I can't blame them, it is really very annoying
> that we have to schedule a down time window so that we migrate from
> php to php53.
> Because currently there is no other way to do it unless you delete all
> your php5 packages and recompile them again under php53. Sure, the web
> server will still work even if you delete all php5 packages as long as
> apache doesn't restart. But there are many applications who make
> certain php cli calls. Those will not work!
> So, my question to the maintainers is, was there a particular reason
> that made you take this decision?

When would have been a better time?


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