Ports system trolling

Doug Barton dougb at FreeBSD.org
Mon Aug 29 03:25:18 UTC 2011

On 08/28/2011 19:19, Michal Varga wrote:
> On Sun, 2011-08-28 at 14:43 -0700, Doug Barton wrote:
>> On 8/28/2011 1:54 PM, Michal Varga wrote:
>>> On Sun, 2011-08-28 at 15:30 -0400, Sahil Tandon wrote:
>>> [...]
>>>> Criminal?  Indifference?  This sort of troll-ish hyperbole is decidedly
>>>> unhelpful. 
>> FWIW, I agree with Sahil that this post of Jerry's was over the top, as
>> several of his have been of late. To use the word "criminal" in this
>> context is sufficient all on its own. To accuse people who spend an
>> enormous amount of their own free time trying to make this thing work of
>> being indifferent is just plain rude.
> While I'm the last one to be trying to belittle the effort put by some
> people into ports (or FreeBSD in general), lately, this particular
> mantra is starting to get a little overused.

I can't speak for what others have said, but read what I said carefully.
I have never said that people who make mistakes shouldn't be held
accountable for them. What I *am* saying is that calling people names is

> (meaning, people out there actually get bitten by it right at
> this very moment, losing them time, losing them money, losing them hair,
> choose what applies) - is pathetic.

People who are at risk of losing money if upgrades don't go well should
not be doing updates the moment they hit the tree. Sorry to be so blunt,
but that's experience talking. :)

> Now. Would I personally chose the same words? Definitely not, it's far
> from being polite and I could easily imagine the shitstorm following it
> (now just see the shitstorm following me using the word shitstorm). But
> it's not about the one single word from the whole thread, we are not
> elementary school children. It's about the situation behind it, and
> that's the one that really needs addressing, not a bunch of heated
> words.

I agree that the facts need to be discussed, and have both said so and
attempted to do just that. But, allowing inappropriate conduct to go
uncommented on will simply lead to more of the same. I've been on lists
like that, it's not pretty.

> Well, as far as I remember, you weren't using FreeBSD as a desktop OS
> (or at least weren't much),

This is really my day for lolz. :)  I have been using FreeBSD as my
primary desktop OS for about 13 or 14 years, and have been using
-current for most of that time. I also advocate strongly for people to
do that, especially developers (and especially especially committers).

I'll reply to your other points in your other thread.



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