Mambo -- install dir

Fernan Aguero fernan at
Thu Oct 13 14:16:28 PDT 2005

+----[ Vizion <vizion at> (13.Oct.2005 17:28):
| OK where is PREFIX set originally -- is it a global or local variable? which is included by all ports Makefiles and should be in 

| are you saying the command should be 
| make install CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --prefix=/foo/bar/server1

I might be wrong, but I would say no here. You have to set
CONFIGURE_ARGS within the Makefile. You can set
CONFIGURE_ARGS on the command line, as you proposed but I
don't know if you can assign another argument using '+='
this is Makefile syntax, not shell syntax.  

So, summarizing I believe that you can set CONFIGURE_ARGS
absolutely, as you can any shell variable. But then you
loose whatever was set by the ports system ( and

If you want to preserve other arguments, then I believe you
have to do it from the Makefile.

Anyone: please do correct me and/or add to what I've said. 

Finally, let me remind you of this thread
where I described the problems I've found when trying to
change PREFIX (using configure).

the problem is still there (setting PREFIX using
CONFIGURE_ARGS would get overidden). I've patched locally to add a GNU_CONFIGURE_PREFIX as used in
NetBSD and it works, but have still to polish some edges
(pkg-plist and deinstallation issues).    

|  -- I do wish this accumulated wisdom was in a file (port_mods.readme or 
| something!!)

It is documented in the Porter's Handbook. And if it's not,
or if the information in the handbook is confusing, don't
hesitate to write/fix/suggest in the doc@ mailing list.    


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