Apache not starting when rebooting using latest FreeBSD 6

Nicolas de Bari Embriz Garcia Rojas nbari at unixmexico.com
Tue Dec 27 23:12:23 PST 2005

Hello, after making a clean installation of FreeBSD 6 and then  
updating the sources for getting the latest stable release, apache is  
not starting when booting it only start when manually doing the /usr/ 
local/etc/rc.d/apache.sh start sequence.

I think this has to be with the changes mentioned on the UPDATING file :
         Scripts in the local_startup directories (as defined in
         /etc/defaults/rc.conf) that have the new rc.d semantics will
         now be run as part of the base system rcorder. If there are
         errors or problems with one of these local scripts, it could
         cause boot problems. If you encounter such problems, boot in
         single user mode, remove that script from the */rc.d directory.
         Please report the problem to the port's maintainer, and the
         freebsd-ports at freebsd.org mailing list.


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