ports/www is too full

Edwin Groothuis edwin at freebsd.org
Fri Oct 22 00:45:42 PDT 2004

Ports/www is too full: 755 ports.

I have kind of sorted (partly brute-force, partly eye-work) and
came up with the attached splits:

	www-servers		 48
	www-servers-modules	115
	www-proxy		 27

	www-browsers		 77

	www-apps		 26
	www-apps-cms		 24
	www-apps-images		 13
	www-apps-rss		  9
	www-apps-wiki		 21
	www-apps-zope		 41

	www-devel		 11
	www-devel-perl		176
	www-devel-php		 19
	www-devel-python	 12
	www-devel-ruby  	 11

	www-editors   		 29
	www-log			 27
	www-ml			 17
	www-spiders		 25

	www-misc		 19

	www			  0

I'm missing 8 ports somewhere, but the idea is there.
Of course these categories aren't written in stone and I'm not going
to defend them regiously[sp], but it gives an idea what is there.

Maybe even splitting pf www-servers*, www-clients and www-proxy

I am willing to volunteer for this job, but I think it's more the
cvsmeisters which will curse than I am.

Comments? Remarks? Support? Ideas? Hostile takeovers?


Edwin Groothuis
edwin at freebsd.org
-------------- next part --------------
	www/aswiki				WikiWikiWeb clone written in Ruby
	www/moinmoin				A Python CGI clone of WikiWiki
	www/p5-CGI-Kwiki			A Quickie Wiki Package that's not too Tricky
	www/p5-Kwiki				The Kwiki Wiki Building Framework
	www/p5-Kwiki-Archive-Rcs		Kwiki Page Archival Using RCS
	www/p5-Kwiki-Archive-SVK		Kwiki Page Archival Using SVK
	www/p5-Kwiki-Atom			Kwiki Atom Plugin
	www/p5-Kwiki-GDGraphGenerator		Kwiki plugin for putting pretty graphs into your Kwiki pages
	www/p5-Kwiki-NewPage			Kwiki New Page Plugin
	www/p5-Kwiki-RecentChanges		Kwiki Recent Changes Plugin
	www/p5-Kwiki-RecentChangesRSS		Kwiki RSS Plugin
	www/p5-Kwiki-Revisions			Kwiki Revisions Plugin
	www/p5-Kwiki-Search			Kwiki Search Plugin
	www/p5-Kwiki-UserName			Kwiki User Name Plugin
	www/p5-Kwiki-UserPreferences		Kwiki User Preferences Plugin
	www/p5-Kwiki-plugins			"meta-port" for Kwiki Plugins
	www/p5-WWW-Wikipedia			Perl module of Automated interface to the Wikipedia
	www/phpwiki				A PHP WikiWikiWeb
	www/trac				An enhanced wiki and issue tracking system for software projects
	www/twiki				A flexible, powerful, and easy to use Web-based collaboration platform
	www/wiliki				A lightweight Wiki engine written in Scheme

	www/admuser				Handle your Squid or Web users and passwords using your browser
	www/amphetadesk				RSS client that serves HTTP to your local web browser
	www/amyc				Display the contents of your Netscape cache
	www/arena				Experimental HTML 3 browser, supports math and style sheets
	www/aria				Yet another download tool
	www/bk_edit				Bookmark Editor
	www/bookmarkbridge			Synchronize bookmarks between multiple browsers
	www/cadaver				Commandline client for DAV
	www/cheetah				GTK+ based light-weight web browser
	www/chimera				X/Athena World-Wide Web client
	www/comclear				A history cleaner for Netscape Navigator and Communicator
	www/dillo				A fast, small graphical Web browser built upon GTK+
	www/dummyflash				Silently consume flash MIME types
	www/eldav.el				An interface to WebDAV servers for Emacs
	www/elinks				Elinks - links text WWW browser with enhancements
	www/emacs-w3m				Simple front-end to w3m for emacs21
	www/emacs-w3m-emacs20			Simple front-end to w3m for emacs20
	www/emacs-w3m-xemacs21-mule		Simple front-end to w3m for xemacs21-mule
	www/epiphany				An extremely lightweight and simple web browser for GNOME 2
	www/epiphany-extensions			A set of add-ons for the Epiphany web browser
	www/firefox				Web browser based on the browser portion of Mozilla
	www/firefox-remote			Wrapper scripts for firefox web browser
	www/flashplugin				An implementation of Macromedia Flash plugin for Netscape
	www/flashplugin-firefox			A GPL standalone Flash (TM) plugin for FireFox web browser
	www/flashplugin-mozilla			A GPL standalone Flash (TM) plugin for Mozilla web browser
	www/flashplugin-mozilla-devel		A GPL standalone Flash (TM) plugin for Mozilla web browser
	www/flashpluginwrapper			A wrapper allowing use of linux-flashplugin with native mozilla
	www/galeon				A GNOME Web browser based on gecko (the Mozilla rendering engine)
	www/galeon2				A GNOME 2 Web browser based on gecko (the Mozilla rendering engine)
	www/grail				An extensible Internet browser written entirely in Python
	www/hotjava				Sun's Hotjava web browser
	www/http_load				Multiprocessing http performance test client
	www/httrack				Easy-to-use offline browser utility and website copier
	www/kazehakase				Kazehakase is a browser with gecko engine like Epiphany or Galeon
	www/konqueror-nsplugins			Netscape plugin support for Konqueror
	www/libghttp				GNOME http client library
	www/libgtkhtml				Lightweight HTML rendering/printing/editing engine
	www/links				Lynx-like text WWW browser
	www/links1				Lynx-like text WWW browser
	www/linux-beonex			Browser, HTML editor, mail and news client for use with Linux plugins
	www/linux-flashplugin			The official Macromedia Flash Player for Linux Netscape and Opera
	www/linux-flashplugin6			The official Macromedia Flash Player for Linux Mozilla and Netscape 6+
	www/linux-flashplugin7			The official Macromedia Flash Player for Linux Mozilla and Netscape 6+
	www/linux-lesstif-ns			Clone of the Motif library mostly for linux-netscape4
	www/linux-mozilla			Browser, HTML editor, MUA and newsreader for use with Linux plugins
	www/linux-mozilla-devel			Browser, HTML editor, MUA and newsreader for Linux plugins (unstable)
	www/linux-mozillafirebird		Web browser branched from Mozilla
	www/linux-mozillafirebird-el		Firebird Web browser:  Greek Linux/i386 version
	www/linux-opera				A blazingly fast, full-featured, standards-compliant browser
	www/linuxpluginwrapper			A wrapper allowing use of linux-plugins with native applications
	www/lynx				A non-graphical, text-based World-Wide Web client
	www/lynx-current			A non-graphical, text-based World-Wide Web client
	www/lynx-ssl				A non-graphical, text-based World-Wide Web client with SSL support
	www/mmosaic				Web browser based on Mosaic, but with many modernizations
	www/mozilla-devel			The open source, standards compliant web browser
	www/mozilla-gtk1			The open source, standards compliant web browser
	www/mplayer-plugin			A Mozilla plugin for the MPlayer media player
	www/nd					A simple command line interface for WebDAV (RFC2518) server
	www/neon				An HTTP and WebDAV client library for Unix systems
	www/netrik				A text web browser, very ambitious, in active development
	www/netscape-remote			Utility to pass commands to running netscape process
	www/netscape-wrapper			Netscape wrapper to avoid multiple invocation and more
	www/netscape47-communicator		Netscape version 4 communicator web-surfboard for DEC Alpha
	www/netscape47-navigator		DEC Alpha Netscape version 4 navigator web-surfboard
	www/netscape48-communicator		Netscape ver 4 communicator web-surfboard
	www/netscape48-navigator		Linux Netscape navigator web-surfboard
	www/netscape7				Linux Netscape suite
	www/nscache				Netscape cache browser
	www/openvrml				VRML97 runtime and browser ("lookat")
	www/opera				A blazingly fast, full-featured, standards-compliant browser
	www/p5-HTTP-DAV				WebDAV client library
	www/plugger				A multimedia front-end plugin for Mozilla or Opera
	www/plugger-plugins-hubbe		Meta package installing all author-recommended Plugger plugins
	www/preferential			GUI interface to view & edit all Mozilla prefs
	www/preferential-firefox		GUI interface to view & edit all Firefox prefs
	www/retawq				An interactive, multi-threaded web browser for text terminals
	www/sidplug				A Commodore 64 psid audio plugin for Mozilla or Opera
	www/smb2www				Windows Network client that is accessible through a web browser
	www/w3					WWW browser based on emacs/mule
	www/w3-4				WWW browser based on emacs/mule
	www/w3m					A pager/text-based WWW browser
	www/w3m-img				A pager/text-based WWW browser with inline image support
	www/w3m-m17n				A pager/text-based WWW browser with multilingualization support
	www/w3m-m17n-img			A pager/text-based WWW browser with m17n and inline image support
	www/wb0					Web browser for svgalib which can show pictures
	www/wmnetselect				WindowMaker Netscape launcher to display urls from X selection
	www/wnews				An RSS news client for the UNIX console

	www/analog				An extremely fast program for analysing WWW logfiles
	www/awstats				Free real-time logfile analyzer to get advanced web statistics
	www/calamaris				A perl script to produce statistics out of Squid log files
	www/geolizer				A web server log file analysis program, using GeoIP library
	www/http-analyze			A fast Log-Analyzer for web servers
	www/jdresolve				A IP addresse to hostname program for httpd log files
	www/logtools				Useful tools to deal with CLF files (Common Log File format)
	www/mergelog				A tool to merge and sort by date http log files
	www/mgstat				Produce graphs from mod_gzip log files
	www/p5-HTTPD-Log-Filter			Perl module to filter entries out of an httpd log
	www/p5-W3C-LogValidator			A comprehensive validation tool for webmasters and web developers
	www/pglogd				Sends web server log entries to a PostgreSQL database
	www/pwebstats				Analyse a web server log
	www/reportmagic				A web site statistics post-processor for Analog
	www/roxen				The Roxen WebServer 2.1
	www/sarg				Squid log analyzer and HTML report generator
	www/simplog				A complete and powerful blogging tool
	www/squidclients			Generate a summary of client usage from a Squid log
	www/squidtimes				Generates a report of average transfer times of Squid cache
	www/srg					A Squid Report Generator
	www/visitors				Very fast and easy to use web log analyzer
	www/waccess				Quick-N-Dirty Web Access Log Analyzer
	www/webalizer				A web server log file analysis program
	www/webreport				WebReport is a web log statistics program  for web hosting sites
	www/webresolve				Webresolve resolves IP addresses to host names in web log files
	www/webstats				Automated log file processing
	www/wwwstat				Webserver logfile analysis package

	www/adzap				Filter out animated ad banners from web pages
	www/adzap2squirm			Use and update adzap patterns with squirm
	www/chpasswd				Allow users to change their Squid or Web password using the browser
	www/dansguardian			A fast, feature-rich web content filter for Squid proxy servers
	www/dansguardian-devel			A fast, feature-rich web content filter for Squid proxy servers
	www/ffproxy				Filtering HTTP proxy server
	www/jesred				A redirector for Squid
	www/junkbuster				An HTTP proxy server that eliminates ads
	www/middleman				A robust proxy server
	www/oops				A caching web proxy server
	www/p5-HTTP-Proxy			A pure Perl HTTP proxy
	www/pound				Reverse proxy, load balancer and HTTP(S) frontend for web servers
	www/privoxy				Privoxy is a web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities
	www/privoxy+ipv6			Privoxy is a web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities
	www/smb_auth				A proxy authentication module against an SMB server
	www/squid				The successful WWW proxy cache and accelerator
	www/squid24				The successful WWW proxy cache and accelerator
	www/squidguard				A fast redirector for squid
	www/squidpurge				Powerful object purging utility for the Squid web proxy cache
	www/squirm				A fast & configurable redirector for the Squid
	www/tinyproxy				A small, efficient HTTP proxy server
	www/transproxy				Transparent HTTP proxy for ipfw's fwd rule or IPFILTER's ipnat command
	www/twhttpd				Secure HTTP Proxy
	www/twhttpd				Secure HTTP Proxy
	www/wcol				A prefetching proxy server for WWW
	www/www6to4				Lightweight http proxy to help IPv4 only browsers
	www/wwwoffle				A caching proxy server for HTTP and FTP designed for dial-up hosts

	www/cybercalendar			CyberCalendar is a web based calendar program written in perl
	www/gforge				Open Source collaborative software development tool
	www/horde-passwd			A password changing module for Horde
	www/horde2				A common code-base used by Horde applications, written in PHP
	www/hypermail				A program to generate a cross-referenced HTML mail archive
	www/mhonarc				WWW front end for mail archives
	www/notftp				An easy to use Web to FTP gateway written in PHP
	www/phpSysInfo				A php script that displays info about the host being accessed
	www/phpSysInfo				A php script that displays info about the host being accessed
	www/phpgedview				Online genealogy viewer
	www/phpgedview				Online genealogy viewer
	www/pnews				PHP News Reader
	www/postnuke				An automated website package to distribute and manage content
	www/rnews				A server-side rss aggregator written in php with mysql
	www/roundup				An Issue-Tracking System for Knowledge Workers
	www/rt2					RT is an industrial-grade ticketing system written in Perl
	www/rt3					RT is an industrial-grade ticketing system written in Perl
	www/rt3-elixus				An industrial-grade ticketing system with elixus.org patches
	www/rt32				RT is an industrial-grade ticketing system written in Perl
	www/ruboard				A web based discussion board
	www/tasks				A web based, hierarchical task manager
	www/twig				Web Based Email Client and Scheduler
	www/urchin5				The most powerful web traffic analysis program available
	www/web-traceroute			WWW Traceroute CGI script written in C
	www/webglimpse				WWW interface to Glimpse search engine
	www/winhelpcgi				A winhelp converter cgi program

	www/MT					A web-based personal publishing system like weblogs
	www/MT-PM				Movable Type Plugin Manager
	www/bricolage				A full-featured, open-source content-management and publishing system
	www/clearsilver				A fast, powerful, and language-neutral template system
	www/clearsilver-python			A fast, powerful, and language-neutral template system
	www/drupal				CMS that supports pgsql and mysql
	www/geeklog				GeekLog is a web content magagement system
	www/jetspeed				Jetspeed is an Open Source Portal, written in Java and XML
	www/jonah				Jonah is a portal and content collection system
	www/knowledgekit			A mechanism for the automatic creation and maintenance of Knowledge Bases
	www/linux-nvu				A complete Web Authoring System
	www/nanoblogger				Small weblog engine for the UNIX command line
	www/ocaml-net				OCaml modules for Internet applications
	www/ocaml-wdialog			Advanced system to create dialog-centric web applications
	www/oscommerce				An full-featured open source e-commerce system
	www/phpbb				A PHP-based bulletin board / discussion forum system
	www/phpnuke				An automated website package to distribute and manage content
	www/phpwebapp				A web application framework
	www/resin2				Resin, a Java-based Application Server, 2.x branch
	www/resin3				Resin, a Java-based Application Server, 3.x branch
	www/slash				Slash-Like Automatic Storytelling Homepage system
	www/tdiary				A Web-based diary system (like weblog) written in Ruby
	www/wordpress				A state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform
	www/wsmake				Software for production and maintenance of web sites

	www/WebMagick				Image Web Generator - recursively build HTMLs, imagemaps, thumbnails
	www/bins				Tool to generate HTML photo albums with XML support
	www/coppermine				Coppermine is a web picture gallery script
	www/evg					Create index pages in HTML for photo galleries
	www/g-gcl				Sample counter scripts for Graphic Counter Language
	www/gallery				Gallery is a slick web based photo album written using PHP
	www/igal				A static html image gallery generator for *nix
	www/imgsizer				A tool to autogenerate WIDTH and HEIGHT for IMG HTML tags
	www/npc					An animated web counter
	www/photo_gallery			Simple web based photo gallery
	www/swiggle				Swiggle is a commandline web image gallery generator
	www/thumbnail_index			Make an HTML index file for a bunch of images
	www/wwwcount				Access counter, clock and date for WWW pages

	www/akregator				An RSS aggregator for KDE
	www/cocoon				XML Web Development Framework
	www/feedonfeeds				Server side personal RSS (and Atom) aggregator
	www/quixote				A framework for developing web applications in Python
	www/rnews				A server-side rss aggregator written in php with mysql
	www/script4rss				Easily create scripts to convert HTML pages to RSS feeds
	www/snownews				A text mode RSS newsreader
	www/syndigator				An RSS feed reader based on Gtk2
	www/xpath2rss				HTML to RSS converter

	www/plone				A user friendly implementation of the CMF written on top of ZOPE
	www/squishdot				A web-based news publishing and discussion product for Zope
	www/znavigator				A Zope product to simplify the construction of navigation bars
	www/zope				An object-based web application platform
	www/zope-FileSystemSite			Enable file system based sites within Zope
	www/zope-annotations			A generic way to add information to arbitrary Zope objects
	www/zope-archetypes			Framework for the development of new Content Types in Zope/CMF/Plone
	www/zope-btreefolder2			Zope product that can store many items
	www/zope-cmf				The Zope Content Management Framework (CMF)
	www/zope-cmfactionicons			CMFActionIcons product for Zope/CMF
	www/zope-cmfformcontroller		CMFFormController product for Zope/CMF
	www/zope-cmfforum			A forum for ZOPE CMF with file attachments
	www/zope-cmfphoto			CMFPhoto product for Zope/CMF
	www/zope-cmfphotoalbum			CMFPhotoAlbum product for Zope/CMF
	www/zope-cmfquickinstaller		CMFQuickInstaller is a product for Zope/CMF
	www/zope-cmftransforms			CMFTransforms product for Zope/CMF
	www/zope-coreblog			A Zope Blog/Weblog/Web-nikki Product
	www/zope-epoz				A cross-browser-wysiwyg-editor for Zope/CMF
	www/zope-exuserfolder			Extensible User Folder - Custom & database authenticatoin for Zope
	www/zope-formulator			HTML form generatation and validation system for Zope
	www/zope-generator			Generator product for Zope
	www/zope-groupuserfolder		GroupUserFolder product for Zope
	www/zope-guf				A roll-your-own user folder product for Zope
	www/zope-i18nlayer			I18NLayer product for Zope
	www/zope-mimetypesregistry		MimetypesRegistry product for Zope/CMF
	www/zope-mindmapbbs			A Zope product to create graphical BBS based on Mind Map
	www/zope-mysqluserfolder		A Zope user folder which uses MySQL database to store user information
	www/zope-parsedxml			ParsedXML - access and manipulated XML documents within Zope
	www/zope-placelesstranslationservice	PlacelessTranslationService product for Zope/CMF
	www/zope-plonelanguagetool		PloneLanguageTool product for Zope
	www/zope-proxyindex			Plugin catalog index using TALES instead attribute lookup/call
	www/zope-silva				Web application to manage/edit structured documents
	www/zope-silvaviews			A component used by Silva to attach views to objects
	www/zope-soapmethod			The SOAP Method product provides support for remote SOAP methods
	www/zope-ttwtype			TTWType product for CMF/Plone
	www/zope-validation			Validation product for Zope
	www/zope-xmlmethods			Provides methods to apply to Zope objects for XML/XSLT processing
	www/zope-xmlwidgets			XMLWidgets - dynamic translations of ParsedXML to HTML pages
	www/zope-zmysqlda			MySQL Database Adapter for the Zope web application framework
	www/zope-zpt				Zope Page Templates separate design and logic in Zope applications
	www/zope-zwiki				A WikiWikiWeb product for Zope (colaborative web site system)

	www/aolserver				A multithreaded web server with embedded TCL interpreter
	www/apache-contrib			Third-party modules contributed to the Apache HTTP server project
	www/apache-forrest			A tool for rapid development of small sites
	www/apache-jserv			Loadable servlet module for apache
	www/apache13				The extremely popular Apache http server.  Very fast, very clean
	www/apache13+ipv6			The extremely popular Apache http server.  Very fast, very clean
	www/apache13-modperl			The Apache 1.3 webserver with a statically embedded perl interpreter
	www/apache13-modssl			The Apache 1.3 webserver with SSL/TLS functionality
	www/apache13-modssl+ipv6		The Apache 1.3 webserver with SSL/TLS and IPv6 functionality
	www/apache13-ssl			Apache-SSL: Apache secure webserver integrating OpenSSL
	www/apache2				Version 2 of Apache web server with prefork MPM.
	www/boa					High performance single-tasking web server
	www/bozohttpd				The bozotic HTTP server
	www/caudium10				A free webserver which is based on the Roxen Challenger 1.3 code base
	www/caudium12				A free webserver which is based on the Roxen Challenger 1.3 code base
	www/cherokee				An extremely fast and flexible web server
	www/dhttpd				Minimal secure webserver. Fast and efficient, no cgi-bin support
	www/fhttpd				C++-based FTP/HTTP server that supports modules
	www/gatling				A high performance webserver with scalability benchmark tools
	www/hydra				A high performance multi-threaded web server
	www/interchange				RedHat's database-enabled e-commerce server
	www/jakarta-jmeter			Functional behaviour load and performance test application
	www/jakarta-tomcat3			Open-source Java web server by Apache, stable 3.x branch
	www/jakarta-tomcat4			Open-source Java web server by Apache, stable 4.0.x branch
	www/jakarta-tomcat41			Open-source Java web server by Apache, stable 4.1.x branch
	www/jakarta-tomcat5			Open-source Java web server by Apache, 5.0.x branch
	www/jetty				Extensible Java HTTP Server
	www/libhttpd-persistent			Library for embedded web servers
	www/lighttpd				A secure, fast, compliant, and very flexible Web Server
	www/lws					Lightweight threaded HTTP/HTTPS web server based on libpdel(3)
	www/mathopd				A very small, yet very fast HTTP server
	www/micro_httpd				An extremely small web server
	www/mini_httpd				Small HTTP server with support for GET, HEAD, POST, CGI, SSL, IPv6
	www/monkey				A small, powerful, and fast Web server written in C
	www/pserv				A portable and small webserver written in C
	www/publicfile				A secure, read-only, anonymous HTTP/FTP server
	www/py-webware				A versatile web application server written in Python
	www/ruby-div				A web application server using dRuby and ERB2
	www/tclhttpd				An http-server implemented in TCL
	www/thttpd				Tiny/turbo/throttling HTTP server
	www/w3c-httpd				WWW server from the W3 Consortium (W3C)
	www/webfs				A simple http server for static content
	www/webredirect				Small web server serving "301 Moved Permanently" only
	www/webstone				World wide web server benchmarking
	www/webstone-ssl			World wide web server benchmarking with SSL support
	www/wyvern				Simple/powerful/lightweight/secure/embed-able HTTP server
	www/xitami				A fast, portable multithreaded web server
	www/yaws				A webserver for dynamic content written in Erlang

	www/auth_ldap				Apache module to authenticate against an LDAP directory
	www/axis				SOAP implementation by APACHE project
	www/cgiwrap				Securely execute ~user CGI scripts
	www/fxhtml				Server side extension to HTML eliminating the need for CGI scripts
	www/mod_access_identd			Apache module to supply access control based on ident reply
	www/mod_access_referer			Provides access control based on Referer HTTP header for Apache
	www/mod_accesscookie			Supply access control based cookies stored in a MySQL database
	www/mod_accounting			An Apache module that records traffic statistics into a database
	www/mod_auth_any			Apache module to use any command line program to authenticate a user
	www/mod_auth_cookie_mysql		Allows authentication against a MySQL database via a secure cookie
	www/mod_auth_cookie_mysql2		Allows authentication against a MySQL database via a secure cookie
	www/mod_auth_external			Enables the use of external mechanisms for user authentication
	www/mod_auth_external2			Allows users authentication based on external mechanisms
	www/mod_auth_imap			An Apache module to provide authentication via an IMAP mail server
	www/mod_auth_imap2			An Apache 2 module to provide authentication via an IMAP mail server
	www/mod_auth_kerb			An Apache module for authenticating users with Kerberos v5
	www/mod_auth_mysql			Allows users to use MySQL databases for user authentication
	www/mod_auth_mysql41_ap2		MySQL 4.1 and Apache 2 port of mod_auth_mysql
	www/mod_auth_mysql_another		Allows users to use MySQL databases for user authentication
	www/mod_auth_pam			Allows users to use PAM modules for user authentication
	www/mod_auth_pam2			Allows users to use PAM modules for user authentication
	www/mod_auth_pgsql			Allows users to use PostgreSQL databases for user authentication
	www/mod_auth_pgsql2			Allows users to use PostgreSQL databases for user authentication
	www/mod_auth_pwcheck			Apache module for user authentication via Cyrus pwcheck daemon
	www/mod_auth_remote			Allows users to authenticate on a remote web server
	www/mod_auth_useragent			Allows you to forbid clients based on their User-Agent
	www/mod_authenticache			A generic credential caching module for Apache 2.0.x
	www/mod_backhand			Apache module that allows seamless redirection and load balancing of HTTP requests
	www/mod_bandwidth			Bandwidth management module for the Apache webserver
	www/mod_bf				A brainf*ck module for Apache
	www/mod_blosxom				Apache module to build the extremely lightweight Weblog environment
	www/mod_blowchunks			Apache module for rejecting and logging chunked requests
	www/mod_bunzip2				Apache module for server-side decompression of bzip2 files
	www/mod_cfg_ldap			Allows you to keep your virtual host configuration in a LDAP directory
	www/mod_cgi_debug			Apache module to make debugging server-side scripts easier
	www/mod_chroot				The mod_chroot makes running Apache in a chroot easy
	www/mod_clamav				Scans content delivered by the Apache2 proxy module for viruses
	www/mod_color				Apache module that provides syntax coloring for various languages
	www/mod_cvs				A module that makes Apache CVS aware
	www/mod_cvs2				A module that makes Apache 2 CVS aware
	www/mod_dav				An Apache module that provides DAV capabilities
	www/mod_dosevasive20			An Apache 2 module to try to protect HTTP DoS or DDoS attacks
	www/mod_dtcl				Embeds a TCL8 interpreter in the Apache server
	www/mod_encoding			Apache module for non-ascii filename interoperability
	www/mod_extract_forwarded		An Apache module that can make proxied requests appear with client IP
	www/mod_extract_forwarded2		An Apache module that can make proxied requests appear with client IP
	www/mod_fastcgi				A fast-cgi module for Apache
	www/mod_fcgid				An alternative FastCGI module for Apache2
	www/mod_filter				Filter output from other modules inside of Apache
	www/mod_frontpage			Improved mod_frontpage for Apache, as APXS installation
	www/mod_geoip				An Apache module that provides the country code of the client's IP
	www/mod_gzip				An Internet Content Acceleration module for Apache
	www/mod_hosts_access			Apache module that makes Apache respect hosts.allow and hosts.deny
	www/mod_index_rss			Apache module to provides RSS output for directories
	www/mod_injection			Injects text in the HTTP response after a HTML tag
	www/mod_jk				Apache JK module for connecting to Tomcat using AJP1X
	www/mod_jk-apache2			Apache2 JK module for connecting to Tomcat using AJP1X
	www/mod_jk2				Apache JK2 module for connecting to Tomcat using AJP1X
	www/mod_jk2-apache2			Apache JK2 module for connecting to Tomcat using AJP1X
	www/mod_layout				Apache module to wrap served pages with a header and/or footer
	www/mod_layout2				Apache2 module to wrap served pages with a header and/or footer
	www/mod_limitipconn			Limit the number of simultaneous connections from a single client IP address
	www/mod_limitipconn2			Allows you to limit the number of simultaneous connexions
	www/mod_log_config-st			A modified version of mod_log_config for apache2
	www/mod_log_data			Module for Apache 2.0 which logs incoming and outgoing data
	www/mod_log_mysql			Allows Apache 2 to log to a MySQL database
	www/mod_log_sql				Allows Apache to log to a MySQL database
	www/mod_log_sql2			Allows Apache to log to a MySQL database
	www/mod_macro				Apache module for use macros in config files
	www/mod_macro2				Apache2 module for use macros in config files
	www/mod_mp3				Apache module to allow MP3 streaming
	www/mod_musicindex			Apache module in C implements Perl module Apache::MP3
	www/mod_mya				Allows basic authentication data to be stored in a MySQL database
	www/mod_mylo				An Apache module to make Apache log to MySQL
	www/mod_mysqluserdir			An Apache module to make Apache get userdirs from MySQL
	www/mod_ntlm				NTLM authentication module for the Apache webserver
	www/mod_pcgi2				Persistent CGI module for Apache and Zope
	www/mod_perl				Embeds a Perl interpreter in the Apache server
	www/mod_perl2				Embeds a Perl interpreter in the Apache2 server
	www/mod_php3				PHP3 module for Apache
	www/mod_php4				PHP Apache Module
	www/mod_php5				PHP Apache Module
	www/mod_proxy_add_forward		Apache module that adds a client IP header to outgoing proxy requests
	www/mod_proxy_html			Apache module for rewriting HTML links in proxied content
	www/mod_put				An Apache module that provides PUT and DELETE methods
	www/mod_python				Apache module for integrating Python
	www/mod_python3				Apache module that embeds the Python interpreter within the server
	www/mod_roaming				An Apache module that works as a Netscape Roaming Access server
	www/mod_roaming2			An Apache module that works as a Netscape Roaming Access server
	www/mod_rpaf				Make proxied requests appear with client IP
	www/mod_rpaf2				Make proxied requests appear with client IP
	www/mod_ruby				An Apache module that embeds Ruby interpreter within
	www/mod_scgi				Apache module that implements the client side of the SCGI protocol
	www/mod_security			An intrusion detection and prevention engine
	www/mod_sed				An apache module that embeds a copy of the sed(1) command
	www/mod_sequester			Apache module that controls access to the website using secure info
	www/mod_snake				A library to easily create flexible Apache modules
	www/mod_sqlinclude			An Apache module implementing config inclusion from MySQL databases
	www/mod_throttle			An Apache module that provides bandwidth & request throttling
	www/mod_ticket				Apache module for a digitally signed ticket in URL
	www/mod_tidy				Validates the HTML output of your apache2 webserver
	www/mod_traf_thief			Allows you to redirect part of the traffic to your url
	www/mod_trigger				Apache module to launch triggers if certain actions occur
	www/mod_tsunami				Apache module which dynamically limits a site's slot usage
	www/mod_uid				A module issuing the "correct" cookies for counting the site visitors
	www/mod_v2h				A mass virtual hosting module for Apache with support
	www/mod_vdbh				Allows mass virtual hosting using a MySQL backend with Apache 2.0.x
	www/mod_vhs				Allows mass virtual hosting using libhome system with Apache 2.0.x
	www/mod_watch				An Apache module to monitor bandwidth usage, for use with MRTG etc
	www/mod_watch4				An Apache2 module to monitor bandwidth usage, for use with MRTG etc
	www/mod_webapp				Apache module mounts Tomcat web applications
	www/mod_zap				An Apache module that provides Z39.50 access through WWW
	www/neowebscript			Embeds a TCL8 interpreter in the Apache server
	www/nspostgres				A driver to access PostgreSQL databases from Aolserver
	www/pgdriver				A driver for AOLserver to PostgreSQL connectivity

	www/amaya				The W3C's testbed web editor/browser
	www/ashe				A simple HTML editor
	www/aswedit				An easy to use HTML and text editor
	www/august				HTML editor for the experienced Web author
	www/bluefish				HTML editor designed for the experienced web designer
	www/bluefish-devel			HTML editor designed for the experienced web designer
	www/crp					Automates the process of being the program chair of a conference
	www/css-mode.el				A CSS(Cascade Style Sheet) editing mode for Emacsen
	www/cssed				An application to help CSS style sheets creation and maintenance
	www/erwn				Simple GTK+-2 HTML editor
	www/frontpage				Microsoft Frontpage 2002 Extensions
	www/frontpage-ar			Microsoft Frontpage Arabic Web Administration
	www/frontpage-de			Microsoft Frontpage German Web Administration
	www/frontpage-es			Microsoft Frontpage Spanish Web Administration
	www/frontpage-fr			Microsoft Frontpage French Web Administration
	www/frontpage-he			Microsoft Frontpage Hebrew Web Administration
	www/frontpage-it			Microsoft Frontpage Italian Web Administration
	www/frontpage-ja			Microsoft Frontpage Japanese Web Administration
	www/frontpage-ko			Microsoft Frontpage Korean Web Administration
	www/frontpage-nl			Microsoft Frontpage Dutch Web Administration
	www/frontpage-sv			Microsoft Frontpage Swedish Web Administration
	www/frontpage-th			Microsoft Frontpage Thai Web Administration
	www/frontpage-zh			Microsoft Frontpage Chinese Web Administration
	www/gtkhtml				Lightweight HTML rendering/printing/editing engine
	www/gtkhtml3				Lightweight HTML rendering/printing/editing engine
	www/kdewebdev				Comprehensive html/website development environment
	www/mapedit				A WWW authoring tool to create clickable maps
	www/peacock				A GUI-based HTML Editor for GTK+/GNOME
	www/screem				Nice GNOME/GTK-based HTML editor

	www/py-HTMLgen				A Python library for the generation of HTML documents
	www/py-albatross			Python toolkit for developing highly stateful web applications
	www/py-clientform			Client-side HTTP Form for Python
	www/py-cssutils				CSS Cascading Style Sheets library for Python
	www/py-fcgi				Python FastCGI interface library
	www/py-htmltestcase			A python html unit testing
	www/py-imdbpy				Retrieve and manage the data of the IMDb movie database
	www/py-mt				A Python module which provides Movable Type XML-RPC connectivity
	www/py-scgi				Python server implementation of the Simple Common Gateway Protocol
	www/py-websvcs				Web service libraries includes SOAP, WSDL, UDDI, etc
	www/pyweblib				Yet another web programming framework for Python
	www/web2ldap				Python-based WWW gateway to LDAP servers

	www/ruby-amazon				A Ruby interface to Amazon's Web Services
	www/ruby-asp				An Active Server Pages port to Apache with Ruby scripting
	www/ruby-borges				A web application framework for Ruby that allows linear programming
	www/ruby-fcgi				FastCGI library for Ruby
	www/ruby-google				A Ruby interface to Google's SOAP-driven Web API
	www/ruby-gtkhtml2			Ruby binding for GtkHtml2
	www/ruby-http-access			A Ruby library to access the Internet via HTTP
	www/ruby-mnogosearch			A Ruby binding to mnoGoSearch
	www/ruby-nora				A rich set of Ruby libraries for Web applications
	www/ruby-tmpl				An online/offline templating system a la eRuby/ERb
	www/ruby-webunit			A Ruby API for automated unit testing of web sites

	www/abcache				A tool to cache applications written in PHP
	www/pear-APC				Alternative PHP Cache
	www/pear-HTTP				PEAR miscellaneous HTTP utilities
	www/pear-HTTP_Header			PEAR OO-Interface to modify HTTP-Headers easily
	www/pear-HTTP_Request			PEAR classes providing an easy way to perform HTTP requests
	www/pear-HTTP_Session			PEAR Object-oriented interface to the session_* family functions
	www/pear-HTTP_Upload			Easy and secure managment of files submitted via HTML Forms
	www/pear-HTTP_Upload			Easy and secure managment of files submitted via HTML Forms
	www/php-dyn				A PHP Extension to help debugging a PHP script
	www/php-screw				A PHP script encryption tool
	www/php-templates			A template framework for PHP
	www/php4-cgi				PHP Common Gateway Interface
	www/php4-mnogosearch			The mnogosearch shared extension for php
	www/php4-mnogosearch			The mnogosearch shared extension for php
	www/php4-session			The session shared extension for php
	www/php4-session			The session shared extension for php
	www/smarty				The PHP compiling template engine
	www/suphp				Securely execute ~user PHP scripts
	www/turck-mmcache			An opcode cache for PHP with encoder and loader

	www/cgi-lib.pl				De facto standard library for creating CGI in perl
	www/formication				Formular processing tool written in perl
	www/htmlpp				A Perl script to allow easy creation of HTML from template files
	www/p5-AMF-Perl				Flash Remoting in Perl
	www/p5-Apache-ASP			Active Server Pages for Apache with mod_perl
	www/p5-Apache-AddHostPath		Perl interface for transforming a requested URI based on host/port
	www/p5-Apache-Admin-Config		A perl module to manipulate Apache configuration files
	www/p5-Apache-AntiSpam			AntiSpam filter for web pages
	www/p5-Apache-Archive			Perl module that creates a menu to allow perusal of tarball contents
	www/p5-Apache-AuthCookie		A perl module to provide custom forms for reauthentication
	www/p5-Apache-AuthTicket		Perl modules that implement a cookie-based authentication system
	www/p5-Apache-AuthenCache		Perl module that implements authentication caching
	www/p5-Apache-AuthenURL			Apache/mod_perl module to handle auth against external URLs
	www/p5-Apache-AutoIndex			A perl module that can completely replace mod_dir and mod_autoindex
	www/p5-Apache-AxKit-Plugin-AddXSLParams-Request				Provides a way to pass info from the Apache::Request to XSLT params
	www/p5-Apache-Clean			A mod_perl interface into HTML::Clean
	www/p5-Apache-Compress			Auto-compress web files with Gzip
	www/p5-Apache-CompressClientFixup	Perl extension for Apache-1.3.X to avoid gzip compression for known buggy browsers
	www/p5-Apache-ConfigFile		Apache::ConfigFile - Parse Apache style httpd.conf configuration files
	www/p5-Apache-DB			Debugging and profiling tools for mod_perl
	www/p5-Apache-DBI			DBI persistent connection, authentication and authorization
	www/p5-Apache-DebugInfo			Log various bits of per-request data
	www/p5-Apache-DumpHeaders		Watches HTTP transactions under mod_perl, looking at the headers
	www/p5-Apache-Filter			Perl module to alter the output of previous handlers
	www/p5-Apache-Gallery			Apache::Gallery - mod_perl handler to create an image gallery
	www/p5-Apache-Icon			A perl module that provides an interface for looking up icon images
	www/p5-Apache-Language			A perl module that provides language-aware object hashes
	www/p5-Apache-MP3			MP3 browsing and streaming under mod_perl and Apache
	www/p5-Apache-NNTPGateway		A NNTP interface for mod_perl enabled Apache web server
	www/p5-Apache-PageKit			MVCC web framework using mod_perl, XML and HTML::Template
	www/p5-Apache-ParseFormData		Module allows you to easily decode/parse form and query data
	www/p5-Apache-Peek			A data debugging tool for the XS programmer (under mod_perl)
	www/p5-Apache-Profiler			Profiles time seconds needed for every request
	www/p5-Apache-Radius			A perl5 module for providing RADIUS authentication in Apache+mod_perl
	www/p5-Apache-Reload			Reload changed modules
	www/p5-Apache-SSI			Apache::SSI - Implement Server Side Includes in Perl
	www/p5-Apache-Scoreboard		Perl interface to the Apache scoreboard structure
	www/p5-Apache-Session			A persistence framework for session data
	www/p5-Apache-Session-PHP		Glue Apache::Session with PHP::Session
	www/p5-Apache-Session-SharedMem		Apache::Session extension that store session in shared memory
	www/p5-Apache-Session-Wrapper		A simple wrapper around Apache::Session
	www/p5-Apache-SubProcess		Forking and executing subprocesses from mod_perl
	www/p5-Apache-Test			Test.pm wrapper with helpers for testing Apache
	www/p5-ApacheBench			Perl module for HTTP benchmarking
	www/p5-AxKit				XML Delivery Toolkit for Apache/Perl
	www/p5-AxKit-XSP-Cookie			An XSP library for setting and getting HTTP cookies
	www/p5-AxKit-XSP-ESQL			An Extended SQL taglib for AxKit eXtensible Server Pages
	www/p5-AxKit-XSP-Exception		Exceptions taglib for eXtensible Server Pages plugin for AxKit
	www/p5-AxKit-XSP-IfParam		Equivalent of XSP Param taglib, but conditional plugin for AxKit
	www/p5-AxKit-XSP-Param			A namespace wrapper for accessing HTTP request paramaters
	www/p5-AxKit-XSP-PerForm		XSP Taglib for making complex forms easy
	www/p5-AxKit-XSP-Sendmail		Simple SMTP mailer tag library for AxKit eXtesible Server Pages.
	www/p5-AxKit-XSP-Util			XSP util: taglib plugin for AxKit
	www/p5-AxKit-XSP-WebUtils		Plugin for AxKit that provide utilities for building XSP web apps
	www/p5-B-LexInfo			Show information about subroutine lexical variables
	www/p5-Bundle-Slash			A bundle to install all modules used for Slash
	www/p5-Bundle-Sledge			A bundle to install all modules used for Sledge
	www/p5-CGI-Application			Perl module intended to make it easier to create reusable web apps
	www/p5-CGI-Application-ValidateRM	Help validate forms with the CGI::Application framework
	www/p5-CGI-ArgChecker			Perl module implementing a cgi interface to String::Checker
	www/p5-CGI-Cache			Perl extension to cache output of time-intensive CGI scripts
	www/p5-CGI-FastTemplate			Perl module for manage templates and parses templates
	www/p5-CGI-Framework			A simple-to-use, lightweight web CGI framework
	www/p5-CGI-Minimal			Extremely lightweight CGI processing package
	www/p5-CGI-Response			Perl module allowing response construction for CGI applications
	www/p5-CGI-SSI				Use SSI from CGI scripts
	www/p5-CGI-Session			Perl extension for persistent session management
	www/p5-CGI-SpeedyCGI			Speed up perl CGI scripts by running them persistently
	www/p5-CGI-Untaint			Process CGI input parameters
	www/p5-CGI-Untaint-email		Validate an email address in a CGI form
	www/p5-CGI-Upload			CGI class for handling browser file uploads
	www/p5-CGI-XMLApplication		Object Oriented Interface for CGI Script Applications
	www/p5-CGI-modules			Modules for perl5, for use in writing CGI scripts
	www/p5-CGI.pm				Simple Common Gateway Interface Class for Perl
	www/p5-CGI_Lite				Process and decode WWW forms and cookies
	www/p5-Compress-LeadingBlankSpaces	Perl class to compress leading blank spaces in web content
	www/p5-FAQ-OMatic			Perl API to manipulate FAQ-O-Matics
	www/p5-FastCGI				Modules for perl5, for enabling FastCGI support in CGI scripts
	www/p5-FastCGI-ProcManager		Functions for managing FastCGI applications
	www/p5-GtkHTML				The Gtk HTML module of Gtk-Perl
	www/p5-HTML				Perl5 module for writing HTML documents
	www/p5-HTML-Breadcrumbs			Module to produce HTML 'breadcrumb trails'
	www/p5-HTML-CalendarMonthSimple		HTML::CalendarMonthSimple - Perl Module for Generating HTML Calendars
	www/p5-HTML-Clean			Cleans up HTML code for web browsers, not humans
	www/p5-HTML-Element-Extended		An extended interface to HTML::Tree's HTML::Element class
	www/p5-HTML-Embperl			A module to allow embedded perl in HTML documents
	www/p5-HTML-FillInForm			Perl5 module for auto-filling HTML form fields from previous values
	www/p5-HTML-FromText			Mark up text as HTML
	www/p5-HTML-LinkExtractor		HTML::LinkExtractor is used for extracting links from HTML
	www/p5-HTML-Mason			High-performance, dynamic web site authoring system
	www/p5-HTML-Navigation			Perl module for creating generic HTML navigation bars
	www/p5-HTML-Pager			Perl module for handling CGI HTML paging of arbitrary data
	www/p5-HTML-Parser			Perl5 module for parse HTML tag
	www/p5-HTML-QuickCheck			A simple and fast HTML syntax checking package for perl 4 and perl 5
	www/p5-HTML-Scrubber			Perl extension for scrubbing/sanitizing html
	www/p5-HTML-SimpleLinkExtor		This is a simple HTML link extractor
	www/p5-HTML-SimpleParse			HTML::SimpleParse - a bare-bones HTML parser
	www/p5-HTML-StickyQuery			Add sticky QUERY_STRING to a tag href attributes
	www/p5-HTML-Stream			Perl5 HTML output stream class, and some markup utilities
	www/p5-HTML-Strip			Perl5 module for strip HTML tag
	www/p5-HTML-Summary			Produces summaries from the textual content of web pages
	www/p5-HTML-Table			Generate HTML tables for CGI scripts
	www/p5-HTML-TableExtract		Extract text contained in tables within an HTML document
	www/p5-HTML-TableLayout			Layout manager for CGI-based web applications
	www/p5-HTML-TableTiler			A Module generate a HTML table from bidimensional array data
	www/p5-HTML-Tagset			Some useful data table in parsing HTML
	www/p5-HTML-Template			Perl module to use HTML Templates from CGI scripts
	www/p5-HTML-Template-Associate		Bridges gap between HTML::Template and other modules
	www/p5-HTML-Template-Expr		Perl module to use HTML Templates which allows expressions
	www/p5-HTML-Template-JIT		Perl module to compile HTML Templates with Inline::C
	www/p5-HTML-TokeParser-Simple		Subclass of HTML::TokeParser with easy-to-remember method calls
	www/p5-HTML-Tree			A collection of modules to manupulate HTML syntax trees
	www/p5-HTML-Webmake			A simple perl based website content management system
	www/p5-HTML-Widgets-SelectLayers	Implements an HTML widget with multiple layers
	www/p5-HTTP-BrowserDetect		Determine the Web browser, version, OS from an HTTP user agent string
	www/p5-HTTP-GHTTP			Perl interface to the gnome ghttp library
	www/p5-HTTP-Lite			Perl5 modules for Lightweight HTTP implementation
	www/p5-HTTP-MHTTP			Low level access to the HTTP protocol
	www/p5-HTTP-MobileAgent			An HTTP mobile user agent string parser for Perl
	www/p5-HTTP-Recorder			Record interaction with websites
	www/p5-HTTP-WebTest			Tests remote URLs or local web files
	www/p5-HTTPD-Tools			Perl5 module for a HTTP server authentication class
	www/p5-IMDB-Movie			Perl module to fetch movie info from www.imdb.com
	www/p5-LWP-Authen-Wsse			Library for enabling X-WSSE authentication in LWP
	www/p5-MasonX-Apache2Handler		Mason/mod_perl2 interface
	www/p5-MasonX-Interp-WithCallbacks	Mason callback support via Params::CallbackRequest
	www/p5-MasonX-Profiler			Mason per-component profiler
	www/p5-MasonX-Request-WithApacheSession	An interface to Apache::Session for HTML::Mason
	www/p5-Maypole				MVC web application framework
	www/p5-Maypole-Authentication-UserSessionCookie				Track sessions and, optionally, users
	www/p5-Maypole-Component		Run Maypole sub-requests as components
	www/p5-PHP-Session			Read / write PHP session files
	www/p5-POE-Component-Server-HTTP	POE Component to create HTTP Servers
	www/p5-ParallelUA			Perl5 Parallel LWP User Agent for WWW access
	www/p5-PodToHTML			Generating HTML from several files containg POD documentation
	www/p5-Sledge				A pure perl, pluggable, lightweight web application framework
	www/p5-Sledge-Plugin-CacheContent	A Sledge plug-in that generates and serves cached content
	www/p5-Sledge-Plugin-Download		A Sledge plug-in that works around browser bugs with file downloading
	www/p5-Sledge-Plugin-Dumper		A Sledge plug-in that automatically calls Data::Dumper
	www/p5-Sledge-Plugin-HTML2HDML		A Sledge plug-in that invokes html2hdml for EZweb WAP/1.0 clients
	www/p5-Sledge-Plugin-Log		A Sledge plug-in that adds Log::Dispatch::Config on
	www/p5-Sledge-Plugin-NoCache		A Sledge plug-in that outputs HTTP no-cache headers
	www/p5-Sledge-Plugin-SaveUpload		A Sledge plug-in that copes with cross-device link errors in uploading
	www/p5-Sledge-Plugin-ScratchPad		A Sledge plug-in that provides temporary data buffers
	www/p5-Sledge-Plugin-SessionAutoCleanup	A Sledge plug-in that automatically cleans up old sessions
	www/p5-Sledge-Plugin-XSLT		A Sledge plug-in that adds XSLT::Dispatch::Config on
	www/p5-Sledge-SessionManager-CookieStore	A Sledge extension that stores session data to HTTP cookies
	www/p5-Sledge-Template-Expr		A Sledge extension that uses HTML::Template::Expr as template engine
	www/p5-Template-Plugin-Class		Allow calling of class methods on arbitrary classes
	www/p5-Template-Plugin-Comma		Template::Plugin::Comma - TT Plugin to commify numbers
	www/p5-Template-Plugin-MP3		TT Plugin that wraps around the MP3::Info module
	www/p5-Template-Toolkit			Extensive Toolkit for template processing
	www/p5-URI-Sequin			Extract information from the URLs of Search-Engines
	www/p5-WWW-Automate			A perl5 module to automate interaction with websites
	www/p5-WWW-Babelfish			Perl interface to obtain translations from the babelfish server
	www/p5-WWW-Curl				Perl binding interface for curl
	www/p5-WWW-Dilbert			Dilbert of the day comic strip archive and retieval module
	www/p5-WWW-IMDb				Perl interface to query the Internet Movie Database(IMDb)
	www/p5-WWW-Link				Maintain information about the state of links
	www/p5-WWW-Mechanize			This module is to help you automate interaction with a website
	www/p5-WWW-Mechanize-FormFiller		Perl framework to automate HTML forms
	www/p5-WWW-Mechanize-Shell		An interactive shell for www/p5-WWW-Mechanize
	www/p5-WWW-Robot			WWW::Robot - configurable web traversal engine
	www/p5-WWW-Search			A perl5 module for WWW searches
	www/p5-WWW-Search-AltaVista		Perl WWW::Search class for searching AltaVista
	www/p5-WWW-Search-Google		Perl WWW::Search class for searching Google
	www/p5-WWW-Shorten			Abstract interface to URL shortening sites
	www/p5-libapreq				Generic Apache Request Library
	www/p5-libapreq-static			Generic Apache Request Library
	www/p5-libapreq2			Generic Apache2 Request Library
	www/p5-libservlet			Servlet API for Perl
	www/p5-libwww				Perl5 library for WWW access
	www/php5-cgi				PHP Common Gateway Interface
	www/php5-mnogosearch			The mnogosearch shared extension for php
	www/php5-session			The session shared extension for php
	www/php5-tidy				The tidy shared extension for php

	www/checkbot				A WWW link verifier, similar like momspider
	www/crawl				A small, efficient web crawler with advanced features
	www/dpsearch				Open source search engine for Internet and Intranet sites
	www/dtse				An indexing search engine for use on small websites
	www/gurlchecker				A Gnome program to check a page/website for broken links
	www/indexme				Links files into a HTML index for viewing and easy overview
	www/larbin				A powerful HTTP crawler with an easy interface
	www/linkcheck				Checks a web site for bad links
	www/ljdeps				A meta-port to install all the perl modules used by LiveJournal
	www/ljsm				Livejournal.com postings recusive copy utility
	www/mknmz-wwwoffle			WWWOFFLE cache indexer for full-text search system Namazu
	www/mnogosearch				Full featured SQL-based hypertext search engine
	www/momspider				WWW Spider for multi-owner maintenance
	www/scout				A utility to harvest URLs from a given start point
	www/sitecopy				Maintains remote websites, uses FTP or WebDAV to sync up with local copy
	www/snarf				Another small command-line URL (http/ftp/gopher/finger) fetcher
	www/ssserver				Adds the search capability to a Web site
	www/surfraw				Command line interface to popular WWW search engines
	www/swish++				Simple Web Indexing System for Humans: C++ version
	www/swish-e				Simple web indexing for humans - enhanced
	www/udmsearch				Full featured SQL-based hypertext search engine
	www/w3mir				All-purpose HTTP copying and mirroring tool
	www/webcheck				View structure of a web site, get a list of problems like broken links
	www/webcopy				A Web Mirroring Program
	www/webcrawl				Download web sites without user interaction by following links

	www/chtml				Chunked HTML templating engine
	www/cl-lml				Lisp Markup Language
	www/cl-lml-clisp			Lisp Markup Language
	www/cl-lml-cmucl			Lisp Markup Language
	www/cl-lml-sbcl				Lisp Markup Language
	www/decss				Strip cascading style sheets from webpages
	www/demoroniser				Correct moronic and gratuitously incompatible HTML from MS applications
	www/html2hdml				An i-mode HTML to EZweb HDML converter
	www/html2wml				A CGI that can do on-the-fly HTML to WML conversion
	www/htmlobject				HTML Document Object
	www/linkchecker				Check HTML documents for broken links
	www/tidy				Fixes and tidies up HTML files
	www/tidy-devel				Utility to clean up and pretty print HTML/XHTML/XML
	www/tidy-lib				Utility to clean up and pretty print HTML/XHTML/XML (with shared lib)
	www/weblint				HTML validator and sanity checker
	www/wml					Website META Language, webdesign toolkit for HTML generation
	www/xist				An XML-based extensible HTML generator

	www/asp2php				Converts ASP scripts to PHP
	www/cgi-lib				ANSI C Library for CGI Programming
	www/cgic				ANSI C library for CGI programming
	www/cgicc				A C++ class library for writing CGI applications
	www/cgihtml				Library that simplifies the task of writing CGI programs in C
	www/cgiparse				C library to parse CGI Forms
	www/fcgi				FastCGI Development Kit
	www/glibwww				A library for people wanting to use libwww with gtk/gnome
	www/guile-www				Guile modules for WWW interaction
	www/libwww				The W3C Reference Library
	www/qdecoder				CGI library for C/C++ language programming

	www/bk2site				Transforms Netscape bookmarks into a Yahoo-like website
	www/bkmrkconv				Netscape bookmarks.html converter
	www/cgichk				A web site vulnerability scanner
	www/emp					CGI program to deliver hierarchy of web links
	www/flood				Profile-driven HTTP load tester
	www/gnuinfo				CGI program to convert GNU .info files into html
	www/goose				Command line Google search utility
	www/harvest				Collect information from all over the Internet
	www/htdump				A tool to retrieve WWW data
	www/http_get				Dump http-contents to stdout
	www/httpgrabber				HTTP network traffic grabber and extractor
	www/httptunnel				Tunnel a tcp/ip connection through a http/tcp/ip connection
	www/kannel				WAP / SMS Gateway
	www/man2web				Convert man pages to HTML
	www/mdw					A utility to check the MD5 sum of a webpage
	www/sitebar				The Bookmark Server for Personal and Team Use
	www/ump					Unix MIDI Plugin based on TiMidity++

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