Is anyone interested in porting BRU Backup software ?

Steve Monkhouse steve.monkhouse at
Wed Oct 13 17:24:50 PDT 2004

Ive looked around, and its not ported at all ?

I would do it if I knew how, as BRU is by far the best Backup software
for FreeBSD and my other diverse platforms... 

As they have FreeBSD 4.x and 5.x versions publicly available via their
ftp site (albeit 30 day demos versions (same as the McAfee AV though))..

I'd attempt to do it if I thought I was skilled enough (and knew where
to start)... 

If anyones interested though, the ftp site for the files is :

BRU_Server_Complete_freebsd5_1.0.7.tgz - (Server w/2 client license)
(requires X)/Console & Agent

BRU_Server_Agent_freebsd5_1.0.7.tgz - Agent only 
BRU_Server_Agent.freebsd4.tgz - Agent only for FreeBSD 4 only (no Server
version available for FreeBSD4 though).. but you can run BRU workstation
on 4.x or 5.x as a standalone system... 

Workstation version..

x86-freebsd5.0- - Standalone FreeBSD 5.x
x86-freebsd4.0-17.0.tar.Z - Standalone FreeBSD 4.x

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