Xfce 4.2.1: xffm crashes

David Nies davidnies at web.de
Sun May 8 21:53:55 UTC 2005


I emailed the port maintainer of the xfce port a month ago, but he 
didn't answer... perhaps my bugreport was not orderly... That's why I 
send my problem here.

The problem:
I'm using the xfce port, version 4.2.1. When I open the file manager 
(xffm) and right-click on a file, then chose proberties, the file 
manager crashes.

``g_module_open(/usr/X11R6/lib/xfce4/xffm/libxffm_prop.so) == NULL''

My "solution":
I compiled the whole xffm port with -ggdb and started to debug it. The 
error occured in the function load_module (libs/modules.c) when 
g_module_open(..) is called. In gdb, I called ``print 
(char*)g_module_error()'' right after this call, and it said:

(gdb) p (char*)g_module_error()
$1 = 0x8381900 "/usr/X11R6/lib/xfce4/xffm/libxffm_prop.so: Undefined 
symbol \"try_sudo\""

The function ``try_sudo'' is in src/easy.c, in the xffm binary itself, 
it seems. I tried to link libxffm_prop.so against xffm, but all my 
efforts didn't help me (I'm almost a newbie).

Perhaps you can give me some advices to fix it?

Thanks for your help!

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