What are they talking about???

Freddie Cash fcash-ml at sd73.bc.ca
Thu Jan 8 12:29:29 PST 2004

On January 8, 2004 09:05 am, Andrew Predoehl wrote:
> Hello!  I'm reading with some interest the tempest that's a-blowin'
> on -chat, and as a newbie, I just got here and I'm wondering what the
> heck these people are talking about.  A few questions (not -questions
> questions, just newbie questions):  What's bikeshedding, or a
> bikeshed disagreement?  What's the heck are GEOM and SMP?  What's a
> WIKI?  Anybody know a dictionary of these acronyms that I read all
> the time?  I can figure out 90% of them but some of them (like PITA*)
> leave me mystified...

For general acronyms, use http://www.acronymfinder.com

For information on bikesheds, check the FreeBSD FAQ:

And, for information on GEOM, SMP, and the like, read through the
release notes and other documentation for FreeBSD 5.x.  There are links
to these on the main http://www.freebsd.org website.

Freddie Cash		District HelpDesk / Network Admin

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