ICMP Error transmission/response over IPSec tunnels

Tom Judge tom at tomjudge.com
Tue May 27 18:40:21 UTC 2008


Today I looked into why I can not get a traceroute across a IPSec IPIP 
tunnel an came across an interesting piece of code.  Here is a diagram 
of the setup:

[Node A] <-> [Router A] <-{IPSec}-> [Router B] <-> [Node B]

If I traceroute from node A to node B I never see the ICMP packet for 
the TTL exceeded generated by router b.

So I did a little digging and found and interesting revision of 
sys/netinet/ip_icmp.c.  In revision 1.93 it seems ume@ added a check for 
the flag M_DECRYPTED in icmp_error() and if it was set do not generate 
the icmp error message.

So my questions are:

1) Is this check really required?

2) If it is required what makes it required?  Is it a problem in the 
icmp transmit path, or is there some other reason?

3) It seems the check originated from the KAME project, as FreeBSD no 
longer uses the KAME IPSec implementation is check still required?

I found the same check in the netbsd code, but could not find a similar 
check in openbsd (although the openbsd ipsec implementation is some what 
different from netbsd and freebsd).

Any information about this would be appreciated as I would like to be 
able to do traceroutes across my wan.



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